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Fernando said:
Username2324 said:
By the way, do you even own a PS3? How can you let 1 week of sales convince you a game is bad? How does "This console has more people willing to stand in lines for a game" make it the better console?

LittleBigPlanet is a wonderfully fun game for everyone, just because it doesn't have bloody violence makes it disappointing?

How can you call yourself a gamer if you spend more time looking at sales then buying and playing games?


 Say the guy with 1,400 comments...

So I suppose that means none of the moderators and none of the regulars are gamers either, huh? I'm not afraid to buy a game just because it didn't sell a million it's first week, hell I picked up LBP as soon as I could find a copy, and once I buy Resistance and play through it I plan to buy Resistance 2, and soon I will pick up Motorstorm 2. I don't care how many sales each has, all I care is that the games appeal to my tastes so I am going to buy them.