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Jo21 said:
radha said:
LOL the only big weapon is a price cut, but sony is not doing it, so bad for sony, ps3 i great anyways i like to have i bit of everything not just shootemups. Oh the only big gun sony has had for it self was MGS4, i never liked resistance and LBP is a new thing that most people dont know yet.

Final Fantasy XIII and Versus are exclusive in japan and GT5 its a 8+ million seller ;).




nothing will beat seen the ps3 with a US$250 price tag in the next 6 month, if that ever happens the apocalipce would begin rigth there and seas of people would rush to the stores ripping eachother appart just to get one, i mean is the magic number, look at the Wii, 250 is a magic number, i think ill change my name to that.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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