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Forums - Sony Discussion - Go buy Valkyria Chronicles NOW

Blood_Tears said:
cool48 said:
Doesn't come out until the 13th in Canada.

I was really looking forward to Socom and that nice headset, I'm still not convinced I should buy this instead. And I'm not the biggest RPG fan either.


 Ummm I live in Canada as well (NS) And i bought my copy on launch day (Nov. 4th) at Future Shop.


Really? Thats weird. Their website doesn't say that.

Edit: Walmart has it for the eleventh.



Valkyria Chronicles (PlayStation 3)
Our price: $59.99

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Torillian said:
I've played Fallout 3 and definitely think VC is better. I can't comment on the other three though.

I think VC is way better then Mass Effect.  But i am a SRPG nut... and VC is basically the entire reason i bought a PS3 anyway.


Well I'm more of a linear story type person so really it all goes to personal preference. I'm glad to hear VC has lived up to your expectations. It everything you were hoping for Kasz?


Torillian said:
Well I'm more of a linear story type person so really it all goes to personal preference. I'm glad to hear VC has lived up to your expectations. It everything you were hoping for Kasz?

Little better actually.  After I played the demo I was expecting that they would have all the enemy units on the map eliminating a lot of the strategy... but it turns out they did go blind with it.

Further more... these characters on your squads have character traits other's wouldn't go near... and these are the side characters with like no development.  Racism, Bisexual people, a Drag Queen (Atleast I think that's what Jann is... hard to tell when dressed as a military man.  Though he is a man.)

It's improved on Zed Soft's Future Tactics in ever way, except maybe the terrain desstruction.

I only have two complaints... and they're both completly minor nitpick stylistic points

1) I think it could of done without the Valkur.  It was a strong and compelling story without all the super magic.  Though maybe I just feel that way because as of yet i've been soley on the getting your ass kicked side of magic lances and shields.

2) Uneven characterzation of the enemy at least starting off.  In the first couple stages... the imperials are like the SS on crack.  Mowing down children indescirminatly, planning to shoot pregnant women.... basically ethnically cleansing the Gallians.

Then they try to humanize them a bit more with Frtiz.  I mean... if the first troops were in different uniforms suggesting they were like directly under some jerk or something i'd understand it more.

Sounds like you've beaten it. How many chapters are there outta curiosity? I've been taking my time with it and was wondering how far I've actually gotten.


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Torillian said:
Sounds like you've beaten it. How many chapters are there outta curiosity? I've been taking my time with it and was wondering how far I've actually gotten.

Ha, haven't beaten it.  Those are just my concerns so far with it.  Both nitpicks come very early...  Chapter 5-7 is about where both come in i think.

As for the characters and their racism, sexuality and such... you can find that on their "traits" that set off their special abilties... and soemtimes in the personel readings.  (Like with Jann.)


DMeisterJ said:



You're a horrible person.



Had to be said.

I did think the homosexuality and racism was interesting, more so by the fact that it's both blatant and understated, at least in the sexual preferences category. There is a 15 year old lesbian that gets a boost by being around strong women, but it never is brought up as part of the story or anything, that's just who she is, take her or leave her. Jann is described in his profile as "Going crazy for muscles either his own or other men's" and again, it's not a story point, it's just a matter of fact. Jann is a gay man with a huge lance.

And the racism isn't just a story element, but actually plays into the game. Some characters are racist, and some characters are of that race. How do you balance that? It's up to you.

It approaches a number of things with unexpected maturity. It attempts to humanize the enemy, but doesn't let you forget that they still do bad things...but so do your own team mates. The scene with Fritz makes Gregor look like an honorable man, a decent guy that you just happen to be on the opposite side of. A few scenes later he's in a work camp showing depraved indifference to a race of people that are enslaved. Sounds bad, but how many people on your own squad are racist too and have the same attitude. Bad people do good things, and good people do bad things, but who's who? And is there really that much of a difference? I think it has more maturity than alot of game's stories, and I am utterly surprised by that, I wasn't expecting that going in. The characters actually have a certain degree of depth, the story operates on certain themes and messages without ever becoming preachy.

I was looking forward to this game, but it was lower on the list behind Resistance 2, and Little Big Planet. But in my opinion it surpasses both of them. I am enjoying it immensely.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

oh I just assumed you knew how the Valkyrur thing ended up being used. I know the character trait stuff, I really love reading all of that along with the personal tab. The characterization of all of these side characters is fantastic. I think I like my lancer Walter more than any of the main characters, he's hilarious.


Actually I don't think Fritz's CO was Gregor, I think that guy was a Captain, and had a different voice to my recollection.


I'd buy this ASAP, but I've already got to get R2, and after that I need to start saving up to buy gifts for people at Christmas. So, I'll just hope that my parents get it for me then, or I probably won't be able to afford it until sometime next year...