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Torillian said:
Well I'm more of a linear story type person so really it all goes to personal preference. I'm glad to hear VC has lived up to your expectations. It everything you were hoping for Kasz?

Little better actually.  After I played the demo I was expecting that they would have all the enemy units on the map eliminating a lot of the strategy... but it turns out they did go blind with it.

Further more... these characters on your squads have character traits other's wouldn't go near... and these are the side characters with like no development.  Racism, Bisexual people, a Drag Queen (Atleast I think that's what Jann is... hard to tell when dressed as a military man.  Though he is a man.)

It's improved on Zed Soft's Future Tactics in ever way, except maybe the terrain desstruction.

I only have two complaints... and they're both completly minor nitpick stylistic points

1) I think it could of done without the Valkur.  It was a strong and compelling story without all the super magic.  Though maybe I just feel that way because as of yet i've been soley on the getting your ass kicked side of magic lances and shields.

2) Uneven characterzation of the enemy at least starting off.  In the first couple stages... the imperials are like the SS on crack.  Mowing down children indescirminatly, planning to shoot pregnant women.... basically ethnically cleansing the Gallians.

Then they try to humanize them a bit more with Frtiz.  I mean... if the first troops were in different uniforms suggesting they were like directly under some jerk or something i'd understand it more.