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Forums - Website Topics - Why do you think LittleBigPlanet: Wii version will flop

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I dont mean to go off topic but...Onimusha12 about your sig...

"This Generation: Since 90% of anything worth playing on the 360/PS3 can be played on an affordable gaming PC, the Wii is really the only viable console gaming choice this generation. Sure its library is dissapointing, but unlike the 360/PS3, there is room for improvement and the possibility of better things to come."

I really, and i mean REALLY hope that is just a joke because if not Gears and God of War as just a few examples Say "HI" and will never be bound to PC.

So Gears of War (which is on PC) and God of War make up more than 10% of the worthwhile games playable on the 360/PS3? I'm not sure how you've shot my statement down.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Back on Topic: As for your post Onimusha12 i agree 100% with the "BTW, why are you people talking about a Wii Version, its a PS3 exclusive." part. mainly because i sense Envy in Quite abit of Wii "Only" owners when the subject of LBP is brought up since alot of Wii owners seem to love platformers.

Or rather this was a joke thread made to mock the false presumption there would be a Wii version. Nice try in spinning this to be a jab at the Wii userbase though. Hate to break it to you but the PS3 really isn't in any better a boat no matter how you try and convince yourself how good all these flashy FF13-esque PS3 games will be. The only two differences between the Wii and PS3 is that the Wii sells and the PS3 announces all of its games five years in advance while the Wii keeps them under wraps.

leo-j said:
Wow trolls are lovely, I see tons of them in this thread, except sixaxis, and darth ofcourse.

  Of course, the only other Sony super fans in the thread, lol.

This coming from someone with a -8,000 point fine under their name, lol.

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Edit: Dbl post

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Onimusha12 said:
Garnett said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.




 ITT: Sony Defense Force freaks out thinking this game is actually coming to the Wii.

Sony also published FF7, do they own that game too?

Besides, with the record breaking sales on the PS3, why would they want to put this game on anything else? ;)

Dude, you...are a Nintendo fanboy from how YOUR reacting, and as far as Final Fantasy VII goes Name ONE and i mean it ONE Final Fantasy VII Title that has jumped to another console BESIDES a PlayStation Brand console/handheld ala PSP.

Because i really cant think of any, i wonder why? /sarcasm



So are you actually saying Sony owns FF7? Tsk Tsk...

Am getting the X360 version.

4 ≈ One


Ofcourse the only people making sense in this thread, while you attack the PS3 and its audience.

Mr. Im not Gballzack


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Onimusha12 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I dont mean to go off topic but...Onimusha12 about your sig...

"This Generation: Since 90% of anything worth playing on the 360/PS3 can be played on an affordable gaming PC, the Wii is really the only viable console gaming choice this generation. Sure its library is dissapointing, but unlike the 360/PS3, there is room for improvement and the possibility of better things to come."

I really, and i mean REALLY hope that is just a joke because if not Gears and God of War as just a few examples Say "HI" and will never be bound to PC.

So Gears of War (which is on PC) and God of War make up more than 10% of the worthwhile games playable on the 360/PS3? I'm not sure how you've shot my statement down.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Back on Topic: As for your post Onimusha12 i agree 100% with the "BTW, why are you people talking about a Wii Version, its a PS3 exclusive." part. mainly because i sense Envy in Quite abit of Wii "Only" owners when the subject of LBP is brought up since alot of Wii owners seem to love platformers.

Or rather this was a joke thread made to mock the false presumption there would be a Wii version. Nice try in spinning this to be a jab at the Wii userbase though. Hate to break it to you but the PS3 really isn't in any better a boat no matter how you try and convince yourself how good all these flashy FF13-esque PS3 games will be.



@Bold- Bravo spoken like a verteran Nintendo Fanboy congrats. and btw "Pal" why mention Final Fantasy XIII of ALL games across the PS3/360? Mmm...Again envy?

"flashy FF13-esque PS3 games"

so Flashy = bad now does it

good graphics = Bad suddenly

tell me onimusha....what do you think of The Conduit? Just interested in your opinion.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

unless your just jealous you can't see Lightning in CGI grfx & can't ride shiva in HD!!!! lol

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Onimusha12 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Onimusha12 said:
Garnett said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.




 ITT: Sony Defense Force freaks out thinking this game is actually coming to the Wii.

Sony also published FF7, do they own that game too?

Besides, with the record breaking sales on the PS3, why would they want to put this game on anything else? ;)

Dude, you...are a Nintendo fanboy from how YOUR reacting, and as far as Final Fantasy VII goes Name ONE and i mean it ONE Final Fantasy VII Title that has jumped to another console BESIDES a PlayStation Brand console/handheld ala PSP.

Because i really cant think of any, i wonder why? /sarcasm



So are you actually saying Sony owns FF7? Tsk Tsk...


I dont think i said that now did i?

Although i wouldnt doubt one bit if sony owns quite a large portion of Final Fantasy VII, Sony them selves even admit in an interview that there "Very Fond" of the Final Fantasy VII Series back in 07.

Count me in too, Joel (Leo-j), as it's a joke thread that is making fun of the main page for a glitch in the database. Seriously people, get over it...