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Onimusha12 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I dont mean to go off topic but...Onimusha12 about your sig...

"This Generation: Since 90% of anything worth playing on the 360/PS3 can be played on an affordable gaming PC, the Wii is really the only viable console gaming choice this generation. Sure its library is dissapointing, but unlike the 360/PS3, there is room for improvement and the possibility of better things to come."

I really, and i mean REALLY hope that is just a joke because if not Gears and God of War as just a few examples Say "HI" and will never be bound to PC.

So Gears of War (which is on PC) and God of War make up more than 10% of the worthwhile games playable on the 360/PS3? I'm not sure how you've shot my statement down.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Back on Topic: As for your post Onimusha12 i agree 100% with the "BTW, why are you people talking about a Wii Version, its a PS3 exclusive." part. mainly because i sense Envy in Quite abit of Wii "Only" owners when the subject of LBP is brought up since alot of Wii owners seem to love platformers.

Or rather this was a joke thread made to mock the false presumption there would be a Wii version. Nice try in spinning this to be a jab at the Wii userbase though. Hate to break it to you but the PS3 really isn't in any better a boat no matter how you try and convince yourself how good all these flashy FF13-esque PS3 games will be.



@Bold- Bravo spoken like a verteran Nintendo Fanboy congrats. and btw "Pal" why mention Final Fantasy XIII of ALL games across the PS3/360? Mmm...Again envy?