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Onimusha12 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Onimusha12 said:
Garnett said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Isnt LBP published by sony? which touchy of sackboys/sackgirls... unless its by sonys wtf? thread = fail.




 ITT: Sony Defense Force freaks out thinking this game is actually coming to the Wii.

Sony also published FF7, do they own that game too?

Besides, with the record breaking sales on the PS3, why would they want to put this game on anything else? ;)

Dude, you...are a Nintendo fanboy from how YOUR reacting, and as far as Final Fantasy VII goes Name ONE and i mean it ONE Final Fantasy VII Title that has jumped to another console BESIDES a PlayStation Brand console/handheld ala PSP.

Because i really cant think of any, i wonder why? /sarcasm



So are you actually saying Sony owns FF7? Tsk Tsk...


I dont think i said that now did i?

Although i wouldnt doubt one bit if sony owns quite a large portion of Final Fantasy VII, Sony them selves even admit in an interview that there "Very Fond" of the Final Fantasy VII Series back in 07.