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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To RPG lovers: why I can't embrace the genre? T_T

I second the WRPG suggestions. In particular, Diablo II. If that game has no appeal to you... it's almost safe to rule out any RPG of its type out.

You didn't mention Pokemon - have you tried it? It's almost like a perfect beginner's RPG, very simple, yet addictive. It is the best selling RPG franchise, after all. I've only played Red/Blue, but you should look into if it you've never tried it.

As for ARPG's, try Secret of Mana for the SNES. It just came out on the Wii's VC. Great game.

If none of these appeal to you, you probably just can't get into the genre in general. If you're intimidated by huge numbers, I highly doubt you'd have any interest in SRPG's (Strategy RPG's, the most complex). It's perfectly fine if you can't spark an interest in it, many people here can't seem to "get" certain genres. I'm still iffy when it comes to most WRPG's, myself.

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Fable 2 and Mass Effect.

This is all you need to know.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Mass Effect. Invest your time in it and you'll fall in love with WRPG.

Western RPG are becoming far superior than JRPG (I've played JRPG since NES, lol Mystic Quest).

Mass Effect, if you like Science-Fiction and mature themes, will become your Best Game Of All Time.

Or if you want something more friendly, I'd suggest Fable 2.
Easy and smooth. Open-world and freedom of choice. Opposite of JRPG.

Both are available on Xbox 360.
(Mass Effect is also available on PC)


My Gaming Setup

Bobbuffalo said:
konnichiwa said:
Well you should try a WRPG once. WRPG's =/= JRPG's.

How much are that different? besides the artwork


EVERYTHING is different. I am amazed they are both considered part of the same genre, they are so different.

Oblivion is an example of a WRPG

Eternal Sonata is an example of a JRPG

I haven't seen many games that different. It's like comparing Mario Party to Crysis. Both very good, in their own way, but they appeal to different people. Some people like both, some like neither.

I personally prefer the WRPG, although I am getting Valkyria Chronicles, mainly because I've never really gotten into JRPGs. Final Fantasy appears ridiculously convoluted to me.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Ever played Fable? It has action, you level up by spending points you get from combat... There's theivery and magic. It's an open world and it's a fairly easy game. I think it could be a great start and if you're bored by turn-based battles.

Tales of Symphonia is really an awesome RPG too, there can be some long dialogs but the battles are quick paced and very fun. They're full of action. Plus you get grades after wining and when you beat the game you can use those points to transfer some items, make the game easier or even harder!

Also, if you pass Symphonia and like it, the sequel comes out, it will be even more enjoyable to play it, I think. ^^

But if you don't like neither, don't stress over it, doesn't make you less a gamer. I don't personally like shooters that much and I think of myself just as much a gamer as anyone on this site.

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Try an action RPG and see how that works out.

4 ≈ One

First check games like Kingdom Hearts or FFXII, that games got the rpg spirit but not exactly turn-based. If that don't help you just keep trying whith others.

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Well JRPGs are very story driven, rather slow and have battle systems that usually require thinking instead of reaction. I really like those, cause I can relax, it's more like reading a book. Final Fantasy, Tales, Suikoden, Dragon Quest are typical JRPGs.

WRPGs are more character driven. You can build your character the way you want, usually by making choices. Usually less story driven than JRPGs, because they're not so linear. WRPGs have more action and are often real time. Fallout, Fable, Mass Effect are WRPGs.

Personally I really love SRPGs (StrategyRPGs). There a mixture between RTS and JRPGs. It involves usually large groups of characters on a battlefield. Fire Emblem, Shining Force, Valkyria and Final Fantasy Tactics are good examples.

Maybe try Star Ocean series or Valkyrie Profile series.
First has real-time battle system (where you move arround the field and attack).
Second has "advanced" turn-based system (you just don't push the buttons to confirm actions, like in FF, you need to press 4 diffirent buttons so 4 diffirent people will attack. It's pretty fun to do combos and then using the finishing strikes..).
Games from both series can be found on PSP, PS1 and PS2 (1st Star Ocean came out for SNES).

JRPG's are good but i know that some people dont enjoy them, try WRPG's start with absolute classics like: Baldurs Gate , Baldurs GAte II, Fallout 1&2, Planescape Torment , Icewind Dale, . They amazing plus they would run on any PC made in a last Decade or so, then there are Knights of the Old Republic 1&2, Mass Effect, Gothic 1&2,The Witcher , Fable II

WRPG's are different, and i think you will enjoy them more, they will suck you in big time.