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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Graphics nutters please enter.

as much as i love gears 2 ,,,but it really can not compete with KZ2 in graphics department,,,and you making this thread just solidifies it.(because truth doesn't need to be shoved down people's throat ,,,like what you are doing in this thread)




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I have only been able to find 4 shots that look better than Gears2 and they appear to be from June, does anyone know of a more recent gallery? IGN and Gamespot appear to have mostly old shots.

I just checked what you posted,,,you compared a direct feed of completed versn of gears to an off-screen pre-alpha of KZ2.lool

and you chose the darkest and worst one for KZ2

here is another off screen but it's much better and show some surface texture,,,you are truly a biased person:




As I put in the other thread

"Ok watching Kz2, playing KZ2 beta and watching trailor 2 Gears of War 2.

I would give the environments to Gears.

Enemies/models of the "people" are pretty even with a moderate nod to KZ2

Effects I would give to KZ2 by a reasonable margin.

And overall I would say KZ2 looks nicer but not by a huge margin.

But all in all both look like excellent and really fun games and im looking forward to Gears a little more because I loved the first but KZ2 is next on my list of anticipated shooters."

Killzone 2 seems to have a fluidity with it which I would call polish at this point.


thekitchensink said:
SMcc1887 said:
selnor said:
To the fanboys who are trying to make this thread go off rails. The videos werent to properly compare the games. It was to say my honest opinion on the actual visual differences, when all is said and done there isnt that much.

We can all stand here and say one over the other, but it's marginal no matter what side of the fence your on. I'll create another thread so you can argue with proper high quality visual games. I made my thoughts known on graphics about games before. But this thread wasnt for that.


No offense, But you are the one sounding like a fanboy by saying that Gears may be marginally better than Killzone graphically. Thats just outrageous. Killzone is leaps ahead. Killzone 2 is the game that was shown a few years back at E3 and No-one believed it could ever look that good. People thought it was CGI lol:).......and it still has 3 months left.


Um, what they showed a few years ago WAS CGI.  Unless you think it was done at that time and they've simply been sitting on it for four years -_-


@Kyros: Not exactly

-Gears 1 360 released in November 2006.

-Gears 1 PC, which used a heavily updated version of Unreal Engine 3 (hence why they couldn't release the extra chapters as DLC), released on November 6, 2007.

-Then Unreal Tournament 3 released on PC and PS3 in November and December 2007, respectively.

-Then the 360 version of UT3 released in July 2008.


Now, that's obviously not to say that Gears 2 development began this past summer (of course not), but Epic had many other projects to keep them occuppied.  Not only that, but since Gears 2 uses a heavily updated Unreal Engine, they would have had to remake most of the assets.  So my point stands.


Gears 2's graphics are based on the engine.  Epic has been optimizing this engine for the 360 since before it even launched, starting with the development of Gears 1.

Geurilla has spent the last 3-3.5 years working on Killzone 2's engine.

You can't just ignore all the work that Epic put into Gears 1 (and UT3).  Had Gears 1 never been made, and had they first started working with the 360 only two years ago, would Gears 2 look near as good as it does?

Not to mention, you're comparing Geurrilla Games to arguably the best engine developers in the world.

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makingmusic476 said:
thekitchensink said:
SMcc1887 said:
selnor said:
To the fanboys who are trying to make this thread go off rails. The videos werent to properly compare the games. It was to say my honest opinion on the actual visual differences, when all is said and done there isnt that much.

We can all stand here and say one over the other, but it's marginal no matter what side of the fence your on. I'll create another thread so you can argue with proper high quality visual games. I made my thoughts known on graphics about games before. But this thread wasnt for that.


No offense, But you are the one sounding like a fanboy by saying that Gears may be marginally better than Killzone graphically. Thats just outrageous. Killzone is leaps ahead. Killzone 2 is the game that was shown a few years back at E3 and No-one believed it could ever look that good. People thought it was CGI lol:).......and it still has 3 months left.


Um, what they showed a few years ago WAS CGI.  Unless you think it was done at that time and they've simply been sitting on it for four years -_-


@Kyros: Not exactly

-Gears 1 360 released in November 2006.

-Gears 1 PC, which used a heavily updated version of Unreal Engine 3 (hence why they couldn't release the extra chapters as DLC), released on November 6, 2007.

-Then Unreal Tournament 3 released on PC and PS3 in November and December 2007, respectively.

-Then the 360 version of UT3 released in July 2008.


Now, that's obviously not to say that Gears 2 development began this past summer (of course not), but Epic had many other projects to keep them occuppied.  Not only that, but since Gears 2 uses a heavily updated Unreal Engine, they would have had to remake most of the assets.  So my point stands.


Gears 2's graphics are based on the engine.  Epic has been optimizing this engine for the 360 since before it even launched, starting with the development of Gears 1.

Geurilla has spent the last 3-3.5 years working on Killzone 2's engine.

You can't just ignore all the work that Epic put into Gears 1 (and UT3).  Had Gears 1 never been made, and had they first started working with the 360 only two years ago, would Gears 2 look near as good as it does?

Not to mention, you're comparing Geurrilla Games to arguably the best engine developers in the world.

If you read my post, I said that this version of Unreal Engine is almost completely different from the one Gears 1 used.  Gears 1 PC version used an early version of this engine, instead of Unreal Engine 3, hence why they couldn't put up its' extra levels for download on Xbox Live.


Also, KZ2 isn't just being made by Guerilla.  Tons of programmers, artists, designers, etc. have been enlisted from pretty much every big Sony supporter--Sony sent lots of their in-house staff, and Insomniac and Naughty Dog have lent a ton of support as well.  Not that this particular area matters--you brought it up, not me.


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

banjo looks better than the both of them

braveheart3 said:
teh only reason heavy rain loks good is becaus the gameplay is crappy. its just simon says.

Really? Can I borrow it when you're through.


@ selnor


This is VERY weak. Using a E3 vid from youtube. That's very dumb. You can't use Youtube for comparisions. Everything looks significantly worse on Youtube. Use GameTrailers.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
braveheart3 said:
teh only reason heavy rain loks good is becaus the gameplay is crappy. its just simon says.

Really? Can I borrow it when you're through.


@ selnor


This is VERY weak. Using a E3 vid from youtube. That's very dumb. You can't use Youtube for comparisions. Everything looks significantly worse on Youtube. Use GameTrailers.

He did make a comparison thread #2 with Gametrailers so you can forgive him for this mistake.



Squilliam said:
outlawauron said:
braveheart3 said:
teh only reason heavy rain loks good is becaus the gameplay is crappy. its just simon says.

Really? Can I borrow it when you're through.


@ selnor


This is VERY weak. Using a E3 vid from youtube. That's very dumb. You can't use Youtube for comparisions. Everything looks significantly worse on Youtube. Use GameTrailers.

He did make a comparison thread #2 with Gametrailers so you can forgive him for this mistake.


Good! Did he use the same months old video or did he use something recent?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.