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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

Wow Libelulle fix the thread

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Graphics are about the same. the 360 usually has better graphics in multiplatormer games, even playstation magazine admitted it with Fallout 3. Games also have a higher review on the 360. The 360 has 18 games that are 90+ and the ps3 has only 9. The 360 has better exclusives. RROD is not a factor, Microsoft has a 3 year warranty on all 360s for no extra cost, i think the PS3 only has a 1 year warranty. blu-ray only matters if you have a 1080p TV and are willing to pay $30 for a movie. You can't play blu-ray movies in a dvd player, but you can play hd-dvd movies on one, but they are no longer making those. You can get a blu-ray player for under $200. I would get a 360 since you seem interested in one and also so you can play with your friends and also borrow games from them. If you get the arcade model, you can buy a 20 GB HD for $20 from Microsoft. the 360 controller is also a lot better than the ps3 controller.

It depends on the games. I would say get a PS3 if you have a large PS2 library, get a 360 if you have a large Xbox library, but Sony got rid of BC, so that's no longer a factor for PS2 games.

If previous gen games aren't a factor, take a look at which system has the most games in your favorite genres and go with that one.

Both systems are fairly even when it comes to game performance and graphics, so that's a wash. I don't consider Blu-ray an advantage considering I want a cheap standalone player (I don't want to risk an expensive PS3 by playing dozens of movies on the drive). Blu-ray might prove to be an advantage storage-wise in the future, but very few games on the 360 come on more than one disk, so it's not much of a factor right now.

In the end, it's really about the selection of games.

Shadowblind said:
DMeisterJ said:
Get a PS3. (Can't ban me this time Onyx).

It has Tales of Vesperia


Alternatively, you could get a 360 which ACTUALLY has Tales of Vesperia. Your choice of course, but leave the vaporware to 3D Realms, hmm?

Someone's sarcasm detector is broken (as is this thread).

deathgod33 said:
if you had a ps2 last gen i suppose you should get a ps3.

I don't think the old PS2 users got that memo...


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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dont u understand god has chosen my answer as the best one !!!!!!!

Time to Work !

DMeisterJ said:
Shadowblind said:
DMeisterJ said:
Get a PS3. (Can't ban me this time Onyx).

It has Tales of Vesperia


Alternatively, you could get a 360 which ACTUALLY has Tales of Vesperia. Your choice of course, but leave the vaporware to 3D Realms, hmm?

Someone's sarcasm detector is broken (as is this thread).


No not really. That trailer was easily the fakest (most fake?) trailer I've ever seen. See the thread for my reasoning on this. Unless your talking about your own post, in which case I really need to get the da** detector workin' again.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.


-free online.

-blu ray, maybe you will not use it much now but with the time its likely.

-its more reliable over all. 2% failure rate
-they all built in wifi and HDD.
-many good first/second party exclusives. (GT5, KZ2, God of War, Team Ico, LittleBig Planet).

-its expensive
-need a HDMI component cable for HD gaming.

-better quality in some multiplatform games (where 360 was the lead platform).
-JRPG are comming first there.
-10% its still way too much to jump on it, it higher than the average.
-many exclusives are only timed and will likely be ported.
-Dpad doesn't work alright.
-only the elite comes with HDMI cable.

Look at 1st party exclusives and console features.

4 ≈ One

Hi Tecmo,

No one can really answer this question for you... but you can find out for yourself by following these easy steps

1) Drive to your local game store
2) Stack all the 360 games you would want to play
3) Stack all the PS3 games you would want to play
4) compare them and choose which stack you rather take home

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)