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Graphics are about the same. the 360 usually has better graphics in multiplatormer games, even playstation magazine admitted it with Fallout 3. Games also have a higher review on the 360. The 360 has 18 games that are 90+ and the ps3 has only 9. The 360 has better exclusives. RROD is not a factor, Microsoft has a 3 year warranty on all 360s for no extra cost, i think the PS3 only has a 1 year warranty. blu-ray only matters if you have a 1080p TV and are willing to pay $30 for a movie. You can't play blu-ray movies in a dvd player, but you can play hd-dvd movies on one, but they are no longer making those. You can get a blu-ray player for under $200. I would get a 360 since you seem interested in one and also so you can play with your friends and also borrow games from them. If you get the arcade model, you can buy a 20 GB HD for $20 from Microsoft. the 360 controller is also a lot better than the ps3 controller.