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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

I am going to say lets wait until we all see the game play action. I have been in the beta for R2 I will have to say it is amazing how the pulled off the great game play for all the players in the rooms. I played a little bit of a friends gears of war 2. I was impressed with the graphics and the cool killing styls but the lack luster of multilayer wars might steer me clear. Who knows I always enjoy a good rumble on the gOW.

Right now tryign to beat far cry and get LBP first before I worry about PS3 sales.

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The only comment that I would like to add, is that both games will be improvements over its predecessors, but because GoW was already so good, it can only get a 'marginally' better score (there is no way it should score less as will be more polished). Resistance, was OK, nothing great, solid FPS, and can only be significantly better in R2.

The other thing I would like to point out is that these are 2 completely different games. It really is hard to compare them because gameplay mechanics, on-line gameplay, etc, are very different and thus very subjective. I would say, the real competition for R2 is CoD4 and CoD5. The real question is whether or not R2 can get a higher gamerscore than CoD4.

do you think its fair that R2 automatically wins just because the first game was not as ground breaking as gears of war therefore leaving way more room for improvement in a sequel?

You wont be missed.

Why all the arguing? Both games are going to be great.

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XBL Gamertag: StraitupBeastin

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Who cares?


ToastyJaguar said:
do you think its fair that R2 automatically wins just because the first game was not as ground breaking as gears of war therefore leaving way more room for improvement in a sequel?


 I don't think this is the case at all.  I can't see a reviewer lowering a score because it is a sequel of a successful franchise.  In many cases, the success of GeoW would make the reviewer give GeoW2 a more favorable review.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



i will never ever ever buy gears 2 over resistance 2, there not comparable, resistance 2 offers everything i want in a shooter.

gears will aggregate higher due to fanboy reviews, and will sell more due to install base, but resistance 2 is better game 2008 all the best games r on ps3

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

If R2 would be a better game than Gears, then Cliffy B would look like crap, remember? He did say Gears 2 was a far better game than R2 could ever be..despite never playing it



I personally don't care how many players are in the online coop or multiplayer when they are obviously seeking to provide different experiences.

It doesn't matter if one scores higher than the other because people will just scream reviewer bias and ignore the results if it doesn't favour their personal point of view. But if its lower then obviously the reviewers prove that X game is > Y game.

Now thats out of the way:

I liked Gears of War 1 better than RFOM 1. They were both good games, but to me RFOM was just like 99 other FPS games and it doesn't matter if you're cutting the cookie a different way you're still a cookie cutter.

Gears of War was different for me, not because of how it played but how it engaged me and my friends. The multiplayer was special, get a few friends together and you can have a great time. I don't care for playing a game with 59 people I don't know. I would rather play with people I do know, in a room in my house with no lag.

The real question in my mind is this. What are the people who review these games going to be playing on November 18 a few weeks after Gears releases? They have access to both and that will be a real answer for people who want to know which version has the better multiplayer. They can play both, but which way will they go?

I can't believe that anyone has the knowledge and the insight to unequivicably say at this point that one will be better than the other. Epic has produced some masterful multiplayer games in its time and Gears of War 1 is still being played to this day so they obviously got something right. Longevity is one of the real ways to find out how good something actually is, if people are willing to spend the time then they must have something which keeps them coming back.

As for RFOM 2s multiplayer? I think I played some Coop on the first game, but that didn't last long - there was Halo/Gears to play. But hey im willing to give it to the people in the Beta, maybe they're onto something really good. Personally its not my style.

But in the end like I said at the start If RFOM 2
