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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

By Jan 09 when all the review scores are in and the dust has settled, Gears 2 will emerge victorious.

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i played both.

and resistance 2 gets the edge in multiplayer.

matt247 said:
IGN gave the first gears a 94, you don't think it can get a higher score than that? I think the first gears will have a higher score than R2.

You just got owned. It scored a 9.5 from IGN.


Kinda funny actually.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

At first I would've said, "Yeah right," but IGN's rating implies that the game is better than I expected. I expected scores around a 9, but 9.5? Damn.

R2 outscoring Gears 2 is quite possible.

I don't see it happening, more sites will review Gears2 and give it a high score. Then you have the fanboy sites that will rate R2 lower then Gears2 no matter what.

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@Griffin Excatly

I will not feel surprise if Gears 2 have higher score

I was thinking R2 was going to be a high 80s game (still might be). I am thinking more like low 90s these days. Gears 2 will probably also be low 90s. I will put my neck out and say they will have the same meta score on Jan 01.

Griffin said:
I don't see it happening, more sites will review Gears2 and give it a high score. Then you have the fanboy sites that will rate R2 lower then Gears2 no matter what.



I call bullshit on this when MGS4 got a 10. Stop complaining illogically.

Resistance 2 is:

Great graphics

8 player co-op

60 player on-line

It is normal that Resistance 2 is better than Gears of War 1.1