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I personally don't care how many players are in the online coop or multiplayer when they are obviously seeking to provide different experiences.

It doesn't matter if one scores higher than the other because people will just scream reviewer bias and ignore the results if it doesn't favour their personal point of view. But if its lower then obviously the reviewers prove that X game is > Y game.

Now thats out of the way:

I liked Gears of War 1 better than RFOM 1. They were both good games, but to me RFOM was just like 99 other FPS games and it doesn't matter if you're cutting the cookie a different way you're still a cookie cutter.

Gears of War was different for me, not because of how it played but how it engaged me and my friends. The multiplayer was special, get a few friends together and you can have a great time. I don't care for playing a game with 59 people I don't know. I would rather play with people I do know, in a room in my house with no lag.

The real question in my mind is this. What are the people who review these games going to be playing on November 18 a few weeks after Gears releases? They have access to both and that will be a real answer for people who want to know which version has the better multiplayer. They can play both, but which way will they go?

I can't believe that anyone has the knowledge and the insight to unequivicably say at this point that one will be better than the other. Epic has produced some masterful multiplayer games in its time and Gears of War 1 is still being played to this day so they obviously got something right. Longevity is one of the real ways to find out how good something actually is, if people are willing to spend the time then they must have something which keeps them coming back.

As for RFOM 2s multiplayer? I think I played some Coop on the first game, but that didn't last long - there was Halo/Gears to play. But hey im willing to give it to the people in the Beta, maybe they're onto something really good. Personally its not my style.

But in the end like I said at the start If RFOM 2
