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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

Burgles said:
libellule said:
I m wondering the same :

is it possible for R2 to get better review than GoW2 :


better gfx - True
10 hour campaign
solid online play - We don't know this yet of course we know
not much improvement from GoW1 - We don't know this yet of course we know


worse gfx - This is true
10 hour campaign
very very solid online play - We don't know that yet of course we know
lot of improvement - first one was rubbish though so how can you make a comparison to GOW2?

I can see some reviewer rating R2 higher because gfx are not everything.

But I m not sure that R2 will get a better average review than GoW2.

Wait and see.

Bold ^

So all in all, what exactly is your point?

Correction in RED

innovation is very important, that is why there is a POSSIBILITY for  R2 online to be fairly superior to GoW online.

and people will be sensitive to the GoW1.5 effect, believe me.

At the end, when u review a game, you always take in count the progress made by the team. this is why IGN put a 9.5/10...

we will see.

Time to Work !

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axumblade said:
Burgles said:
libellule said:
I m wondering the same :

is it possible for R2 to get better review than GoW2 :


better gfx - True
10 hour campaign
solid online play - We don't know this yet
not much improvement from GoW1 - We don't know this yet


worse gfx - This is true
10 hour campaign
very very solid online play - We don't know that yet
lot of improvement - first one was rubbish though so how can you make a comparison to GOW2?

I can see some reviewer rating R2 higher because gfx are not everything.

But I m not sure that R2 will get a better average review than GoW2.

Wait and see.

Bold ^

So all in all, what exactly is your point?

If a game is released that is mediocre in ever respect, then the sequel is much improved. That doesn't make it better than another series where the first game was very good and the sequel is improved by a smaller amount than the mediocre game?

The amount of improvement means nothing.

If I give you some cat shit to eat, then I give you some horse shit....Is that "ok"?

I'd prefer a steak myself.


Um...You do realize a lot of us are in the beta and we've played the online and so we know the online is really good....


Online parts of games do not make a game good,oh wait im wrong look at COD4,Crappy last gen SP with decent MP and its nutted all over by casuals...

I think either may edge it by 1 or 2 points.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

It will definetly be a close one, but the big question is do they love Microsoft more or Sony???

IGN gave the first gears a 94, you don't think it can get a higher score than that? I think the first gears will have a higher score than R2.

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I feel both games were equally amazing.

megaman2 said:
dbot said:
It will not and GeoW2 will sell more.

I must disagree it will sell more but i really feel that gow2 is not a huge improvement compared to resistance 2.

and if you dont agree state your reason dont just post such a pointless thread, thank you


Gears 2 will sell between 6-7 M. Resistance 2 will barely reach 4 if Metal Gear struggled just to make it there. Metacritic lost me after I saw the thread about biased fanboys fucking up the scores. The people shouldn't be allowed to give their voice unless it's in an alternative option to the unbiased.

megaman2 said:
dbot said:
It will not and GeoW2 will sell more.

I must disagree it will sell more but i really feel that gow2 is not a huge improvement compared to resistance 2.

and if you dont agree state your reason dont just post such a pointless thread, thank you

Sorry, this kind of seemed like an opinion thread.

GeoW2 is the Halo 3/MGS4 release for the 360 this year.  Many reviewers have already given the game a 10, they are just waiting for the preview copy so they can write their glowing remarks.  The review system is so screwed up that publishers for games of this magnitude can completely manipulate the review scores.  They will ban sites for poor reviews, withhold copies from them, release better reviews early by releasing the embargo for them...  GeoW2 will be the latest game to benefit from this.  Microsoft and Epic have too much invested in this game to allow it to come in below the original GeoW.  The gaming sites depend too much on traffic to piss off the dev/publishers.

Here are a couple of articles that explain the system.

Disclaimer: This not intended to be a knock against GeoW2.  By all accounts it will be a great game for the 360.  The problem is the the review system.  It can be argued that MGS4 benefited from the same tactics.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



matt247 said:
IGN gave the first gears a 94, you don't think it can get a higher score than that? I think gears of war 2 will have a higher score than R2.




Both are outstanding games, anything is possible.