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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I have lost faith in the crediblity of reviewers

HappySqurriel said:
konnichiwa said:
HappySqurriel said:


Actually, last year after several games had reviews that (essentially) said "The Wii version in this series is the best version so far" and still gave the game 20% to 25% lower scores than they gave the Gamecube version many people started to question the review system.

Certainly, many people did hype Mario Galaxy because of the high review score but a lot of these people started to question reviews after we saw several games in a row get reviews which were close to being the highest reviewed games of all time.

Grand Theft Auto 4 really drove the debate further than any other release primarily because of how many perfect scores it got, the many bugs and flaws it has, several people stating that it was a worse game than Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and reviewers admitting that they only played it for a couple of hours before reviewing it.


 Huh like what?


From what I remember people were pretty upset that games like Metroid Prime 3, Fire Emblem and Battalion Wars 2 were claimed to be better than their Gamecube versions and yet all received noticeably lower scores ... Looking at Gamerankings today the scores do not seem that much lower, but the main sites were all scoring the games much lower and the aggregate review score was dramatically lower at the time.

Ah you can be right, I am prettysure I missed the FE and BW threads because I am not that interested in those games and I can't remember that MP3 issue aswell, the thing I remember though from IGN I think 'We wish all FPS games would play like that' ....but that is something we see a lot though.  I think Saints ROW 2 is one of them aswell. a lot of reviewers claim it is a lot lot lot better than SR1 still they gave it a lower or the same score SR1 got.


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trestres said:
You are just not getting it. I'm not gonna cry like you did when they permabanned you, never. Every single game is getting a 90% review or a 50% one. There's no average anymore. Reviewers are elitists and graphic whores. Wii games will always get smashed or not even reviewed. Compare the amount of reviews multiplat games have on the Wii compared to the HD's.

The media hates the Wii as much as you do.

So no games on PS360 score between 50 and 90?

Let's look at some recent releases

Far Cry 2 (86)

Valkyria Chronicles (87)

Pacific Rift (80)

Eternal Sonata (83)

Midnight Club: Los Angeles (84)

Pro Evo 2009 (80)

FIFA 08 (88)

Saint's Row 2 (83)

Dead Space (88)

NBA Live 09 (75)

NBA 2K9 (86)

Fracture (61)

Silent Hill Homecoming (75)

But Fallout 3 got 93 and therefore the review system favours games on the HD consoles and reviewers only like hardcore games.

Did I mention World of Goo has a 96?



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Garcian Smith said:

There's a reason why games like Boom Blox and de Blob didn't get GTA4/MGS4/Fable 2-caliber reviews, and it isn't because they don't deserve it.

No, actually it is becuase of that...

I believe that the reason why very few (on VGC) complained about SMG getting a lot of 10's, is that, at that time, VGChartz was incredibly Nintendo owner dominated. So many loved the game, and the ones who didn't were simply ignored.
When GTA IV came out, Nintendo owners and Ps360 owners were about 50-50, causing a lot of dicussion and drama. Just a few weeks earlier, had the review system also been complained heavily about.
GTA IV was 2 things. 
1) Slightly over-estimated by reviewers, as they wanted it to be awesome
2) A change for Nintendo owners to let out their anger for the Wii having a smaller quantity of good games than the Xbox 360, and to a certain degree the Playstation 3.
That's why it was attacked.
After GTA IV, we entered a new fase with reviewers. Before, it had been so that people trusted reviewers, but ignored some reviews. Now, there were 2 categories. People who still trusted reviewers, and people who didn't. If a game not on your console recieved a good score, some morons would go out and complain about reviewers being biased. Before GTA IV, this would just be ignored, as a moron, but now this was accepted, and far more people did so.
  Does that make sense to people? Hopefully it does.  

And people, Okey, Konnichiwa and Outloawauron are correct. The Wii simply doesn't have the same quantity of quality titles as neither the 360 nor the Ps3. And please, do not embarass yourself by
A) Writing a list with all good Wii games and Wii games that will come out.
B) Say that the Wii has more games than the Ps3 and X360, and giving the number of titles each system has.
Why? Well, A) is stupid, as the Ps3 and X360 both have bigger lists, and B) has nothing to do with this. 

Okay, I am not saying that the Wii is not as good as the Ps3 or the X360 (frankly I prefer it to them), but it does not  have the same quantity of quality titles. That's a fact.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
I believe that the reason why very few (on VGC) complained about SMG getting a lot of 10's, is that, at that time, VGChartz was incredibly Nintendo owner dominated. So many loved the game, and the ones who didn't were simply ignored.
When GTA IV came out, Nintendo owners and Ps360 owners were about 50-50, causing a lot of dicussion and drama. Just a few weeks earlier, had the review system also been complained heavily about.
GTA IV was 2 things. 
1) Slightly over-estimated by reviewers, as they wanted it to be awesome
2) A change for Nintendo owners to let out their anger for the Wii having a smaller quantity of good games than the Xbox 360, and to a certain degree the Playstation 3.
That's why it was attacked.
After GTA IV, we entered a new fase with reviewers. Before, it had been so that people trusted reviewers, but ignored some reviews. Now, there were 2 categories. People who still trusted reviewers, and people who didn't. If a game not on your console recieved a good score, some morons would go out and complain about reviewers being biased. Before GTA IV, this would just be ignored, as a moron, but now this was accepted, and far more people did so.
  Does that make sense to people? Hopefully it does.  

And people, Okey, Konnichiwa and Outloawauron are correct. The Wii simply doesn't have the same quantity of quality titles as neither the 360 nor the Ps3. And please, do not embarass yourself by
A) Writing a list with all good Wii games and Wii games that will come out.
B) Say that the Wii has more games than the Ps3 and X360, and giving the number of titles each system has.
Why? Well, A) is stupid, as the Ps3 and X360 both have bigger lists, and B) has nothing to do with this. 

Okay, I am not saying that the Wii is not as good as the Ps3 or the X360 (frankly I prefer it to them), but it does not  have the same quantity of quality titles. That's a fact.  


You were doing well until you equated quality with something that can be measured objectively.

Reviews have never been important, if you weren't afraid to think for yourself. Nothing foolish about being stalwart in the formation of your own opinions.

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Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
I believe that the reason why very few (on VGC) complained about SMG getting a lot of 10's, is that, at that time, VGChartz was incredibly Nintendo owner dominated. So many loved the game, and the ones who didn't were simply ignored.
When GTA IV came out, Nintendo owners and Ps360 owners were about 50-50, causing a lot of dicussion and drama. Just a few weeks earlier, had the review system also been complained heavily about.
GTA IV was 2 things. 
1) Slightly over-estimated by reviewers, as they wanted it to be awesome
2) A change for Nintendo owners to let out their anger for the Wii having a smaller quantity of good games than the Xbox 360, and to a certain degree the Playstation 3.
That's why it was attacked.
After GTA IV, we entered a new fase with reviewers. Before, it had been so that people trusted reviewers, but ignored some reviews. Now, there were 2 categories. People who still trusted reviewers, and people who didn't. If a game not on your console recieved a good score, some morons would go out and complain about reviewers being biased. Before GTA IV, this would just be ignored, as a moron, but now this was accepted, and far more people did so.
  Does that make sense to people? Hopefully it does.  

And people, Okey, Konnichiwa and Outloawauron are correct. The Wii simply doesn't have the same quantity of quality titles as neither the 360 nor the Ps3. And please, do not embarass yourself by
A) Writing a list with all good Wii games and Wii games that will come out.
B) Say that the Wii has more games than the Ps3 and X360, and giving the number of titles each system has.
Why? Well, A) is stupid, as the Ps3 and X360 both have bigger lists, and B) has nothing to do with this. 

Okay, I am not saying that the Wii is not as good as the Ps3 or the X360 (frankly I prefer it to them), but it does not  have the same quantity of quality titles. That's a fact.  


You were doing well until you equated quality with something that can be measured objectively.

Reviews have never been important, if you weren't afraid to think for yourself. Nothing foolish about being stalwart in the formation of your own opinions.

So if somebody invents a new food, and the large majority of the world likes it, and you don't like it, that makes it bad?

Sure, it's bad in your opinion. But in most people's opinions, it is good. Therefore, it is good food.

Sorry if that annoys you, but that is how the universe works.

If quality couldn't be measured objectively, why would reviews exist? Why would people listen to them? Why not just ignore them and make up your own mind?

Because when you do that, you end up with Army of Two.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I think reviewers can be credible sources still. I'm on the side who still sort of trusts them.

Kantor said:

So if somebody invents a new food, and the large majority of the world likes it, and you don't like it, that makes it bad?

Sure, it's bad in your opinion. But in most people's opinions, it is good. Therefore, it is good food.

Sorry if that annoys you, but that is how the universe works.

If quality couldn't be measured objectively, why would reviews exist? Why would people listen to them? Why not just ignore them and make up your own mind?

Because when you do that, you end up with God Hand.



Hope you don't mind me changing the example to illustrate my point; my apologies if you do. Allow me to address this one point at a time.

No, consensus does not mean that something is good or bad. In order for us to come to that point, we must leap beyond the idea of objectivity, and put forth that reality itself is defined by the perceptions of the majority. That's patently ridiculous, and I reject it on principle. Another person's opinion cannot make something good or bad.

When we call something "good" or "well-made" it is speaking to what we, as the speaker, assume to be common values shared between ourselves and our listeners. When we make value judgements about certain things (but not necessarily others, this is important and I will get into it below) what we are doing is speaking to a shared set of principle values. These values are not objective, but their shared criteria for subjectivity creates the illusion that they objective to the average speaker and listener.

"This is a good apple," says I, referring to an apple in my hand.

"Yeah," says you, because you agree based on certain presuppositions about what makes an apple good. These tend to be based on objective, measurable qualities - firmness, ripeness, sweetness, color, texture, what have you.

But that's not necessarily the way it goes, either.

"This is a good apple," says I, referring to an apple in my hand.

"Nah," says you, "I like 'em with a bit more green."

What we have her is a divergence in the subjective quality of "goodness" based on the objective qualities that define the state of the fruit. Reality is objective, yes, all matter is as it is and all games are ultimately pixels rendered on a screen and us interacting with those pixels, but interpretations of objective qualities into a whole, "good" or "bad", is almost always a subjective process. For some things that's not true: there's good math and bad math, good carpentry and bad carpentry, so on and so forth, but those things rely on an agreed-upon set of values for what makes each thing good.

In art, that's almost never the case.

Art is always subjective in terms of quality - Transformers got slammed by many reviewers but Ebert loved it because he said, as a popcorn movie, that it was excellent. Critics rarely, if ever, agree on naything. The most hardcore PS2 gamers lauded God Hand as one of the best games of the last generation, often giving it the Best Action Game crown without hesitation, but the IGN offices hated it all around and gave it a 3.5.

I don't ken to what Yahtzee says a lot of the time, his aversion to multiplayer is a load of hose pucky, but what he gets right about reviews is what reviews out to do: they are not meant to communicate absolute values. Reviews are supposed to, at the very least, communicate complex opinions that capture the spirit of whatever they're talking about. At their best, and he never said this but I do, they should be an analysis of how games function as iterations of the art form. Some reviewers manage to do that - the 8's and 9's that No More Heroes got tended to be from the games-as-art crowd - but they always falter in that they try to assign absolute values to complex ideas.

See where I'm coming from with this?

I'm sorry to disagree, wii music has absolutely no pull for me. I can't imagine playing this for more than 5 minutes.

theprof00 said:
I'm sorry to disagree, wii music has absolutely no pull for me. I can't imagine playing this for more than 5 minutes.


I don't think Wii Music, by itself, is the point of the thread.