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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I have lost faith in the crediblity of reviewers

Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
I believe that the reason why very few (on VGC) complained about SMG getting a lot of 10's, is that, at that time, VGChartz was incredibly Nintendo owner dominated. So many loved the game, and the ones who didn't were simply ignored.
When GTA IV came out, Nintendo owners and Ps360 owners were about 50-50, causing a lot of dicussion and drama. Just a few weeks earlier, had the review system also been complained heavily about.
GTA IV was 2 things. 
1) Slightly over-estimated by reviewers, as they wanted it to be awesome
2) A change for Nintendo owners to let out their anger for the Wii having a smaller quantity of good games than the Xbox 360, and to a certain degree the Playstation 3.
That's why it was attacked.
After GTA IV, we entered a new fase with reviewers. Before, it had been so that people trusted reviewers, but ignored some reviews. Now, there were 2 categories. People who still trusted reviewers, and people who didn't. If a game not on your console recieved a good score, some morons would go out and complain about reviewers being biased. Before GTA IV, this would just be ignored, as a moron, but now this was accepted, and far more people did so.
  Does that make sense to people? Hopefully it does.  

And people, Okey, Konnichiwa and Outloawauron are correct. The Wii simply doesn't have the same quantity of quality titles as neither the 360 nor the Ps3. And please, do not embarass yourself by
A) Writing a list with all good Wii games and Wii games that will come out.
B) Say that the Wii has more games than the Ps3 and X360, and giving the number of titles each system has.
Why? Well, A) is stupid, as the Ps3 and X360 both have bigger lists, and B) has nothing to do with this. 

Okay, I am not saying that the Wii is not as good as the Ps3 or the X360 (frankly I prefer it to them), but it does not  have the same quantity of quality titles. That's a fact.  


You were doing well until you equated quality with something that can be measured objectively.

Reviews have never been important, if you weren't afraid to think for yourself. Nothing foolish about being stalwart in the formation of your own opinions.


Reviews are important as hell. Saying otherwise is moronic. Fact, is over 3/4 people look at a review to determine whether or not a game is worth buying. For the casuals, it's the review in their paper, or whereever.

I read them too, but I ignore the score. Case is, nothing is as good as a review to find out what kind of game a game is. If you refuse to read reviews, you're ignoring some of the people who are best at telling you what kind of a game the game is. You'll be missing out on important information.

To a certain degree I am doing that though, as I read relatively few reviews.


Quality cannot be measured totally objectively, but I'm fairly certain that most people would subjectively feel that the 360 has a bigger quantity of quality titles than the Wii. That's not a problem for most people though, as they're happy with the ~ 15 top notch titles on Wii.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
I'm sorry to disagree, wii music has absolutely no pull for me. I can't imagine playing this for more than 5 minutes.


I don't think Wii Music, by itself, is the point of the thread.

that was my only disagreement with the OP, everything else was good. throwing wii music on top of the pile tipped the scale so to say.

Everything was balanced and cohesive and then BAM, a rant.

Its like adressing a problem with the economy and saying "this sucks, for all of us, we need to band together", and then saying "those democrats are a threat to society" and everyone is like "wtf where did that come from"

its called letting personal feelings get in the way of facts. Because it started as understanding ambivalence and degraded into anti-bias bias. His opinion that wii music is good does not mean it is good, just as the editors opinion is just an opinion.

do you see what I am getting at here?

If you notice, when you point the finger at something, three fingers (of the pointing hand) are pointing right back at you. Unless you point with an open-handed palm, for some reason


Oyvoyvoyv said:
Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
I believe that the reason why very few (on VGC) complained about SMG getting a lot of 10's, is that, at that time, VGChartz was incredibly Nintendo owner dominated. So many loved the game, and the ones who didn't were simply ignored.
When GTA IV came out, Nintendo owners and Ps360 owners were about 50-50, causing a lot of dicussion and drama. Just a few weeks earlier, had the review system also been complained heavily about.
GTA IV was 2 things. 
1) Slightly over-estimated by reviewers, as they wanted it to be awesome
2) A change for Nintendo owners to let out their anger for the Wii having a smaller quantity of good games than the Xbox 360, and to a certain degree the Playstation 3.
That's why it was attacked.
After GTA IV, we entered a new fase with reviewers. Before, it had been so that people trusted reviewers, but ignored some reviews. Now, there were 2 categories. People who still trusted reviewers, and people who didn't. If a game not on your console recieved a good score, some morons would go out and complain about reviewers being biased. Before GTA IV, this would just be ignored, as a moron, but now this was accepted, and far more people did so.
  Does that make sense to people? Hopefully it does.  

And people, Okey, Konnichiwa and Outloawauron are correct. The Wii simply doesn't have the same quantity of quality titles as neither the 360 nor the Ps3. And please, do not embarass yourself by
A) Writing a list with all good Wii games and Wii games that will come out.
B) Say that the Wii has more games than the Ps3 and X360, and giving the number of titles each system has.
Why? Well, A) is stupid, as the Ps3 and X360 both have bigger lists, and B) has nothing to do with this. 

Okay, I am not saying that the Wii is not as good as the Ps3 or the X360 (frankly I prefer it to them), but it does not  have the same quantity of quality titles. That's a fact.  


You were doing well until you equated quality with something that can be measured objectively.

Reviews have never been important, if you weren't afraid to think for yourself. Nothing foolish about being stalwart in the formation of your own opinions.


Reviews are important as hell. Saying otherwise is moronic. Fact, is over 3/4 people look at a review to determine whether or not a game is worth buying. For the casuals, it's the review in their paper, or whereever.

I read them too, but I ignore the score. Case is, nothing is as good as a review to find out what kind of game a game is. If you refuse to read reviews, you're ignoring some of the people who are best at telling you what kind of a game the game is. You'll be missing out on important information.

To a certain degree I am doing that though, as I read relatively few reviews.


Quality cannot be measured totally objectively, but I'm fairly certain that most people would subjectively feel that the 360 has a bigger quantity of quality titles than the Wii. That's not a problem for most people though, as they're happy with the ~ 15 top notch titles on Wii.




See the bottom half of my reply to Kantor.

Reviews, as they are now, are worthless. The state of gaming journalism in general is worthless, but that's a much bigger issue having to do with the writers and the credentials of the writers in general, IGN being the poster child of the whole problem.

khuutra are you saying that a majority of people don't buy games based off of reviews?
You are starting to overestimate the similarity between them and you.

theprof00 said:
khuutra are you saying that a majority of people don't buy games based off of reviews?
You are starting to overestimate the similarity between them and you.


I'm saying no such thing - I'm saying that they should not, and that reviews shouldn't serve the purpose of recommending purchases anyway.

Though I wouldn't go so far as to say most people do, either, because the Wii is rapidly and devastatingly proving that hypothesis incorrect.

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second portion of your statement.. how so?

The correlation between review scores and sales on the Wii isn't nearly as strong as it is on the HD systems - Wii Fit doesn't even begin to compare to most games on the HD consoles in terms of reviews but it's about to outsell every single one of them before the end of the year, solely because it operates on a value system held by people who don't read reviews online.

Not yet......
I always look different sites not only one.....more reviews=better opinion for the game!
Even better... when I can try a demo...! yeah!:-0

While i agree that wii fit shows no correlation to its sales. It is a gadget, not a game.
People do not buy it because they want to play. People buy it because they want to stay home, relax, not pay expensive gym fees, etc etc...
The wii seems to capitalize off of this kind of idea of doing things you would normally do outside, inside.
Reviewers don't review how much a game will sell but how good the game is. wii fit is a poor game and could have many more features that it does not have.
This is honest fact. It doesn't do as much as it could, and that is the essence of all review.

See, that's what I meant earlier. You like your apples greener. It can't be a "fact" that Wii Fit is a poor game because the language requires an agreed-upon presupposition about what establishes the quality of "goodness", and that isn't established at all, much less agreed upon.