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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music - The Comprehensive Review

Great work Sky.

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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Bravo, Sky Render. This is the only review aside from 1UP's that deviates from the "lol waggle, lol kiddie" rut that reviewers have fallen into for the Wii. Kudos for actually giving it a chance.

Now maybe a few of the haters will, too.

And, while I'm on the subject... you state that Wii Music has a high learning curve. Why do you think that most reviewers thus far (again, 1UP excepted) have stated that the game is shallow and only fit for kids?

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Brilliant review. It very well describes the experience you are going to get out of Wii Music, love it or hate it.

What i do think that you make clear that other reviewers missed is that there is a lot to do in this game. Most reviewers made it seem as if this game is 3 hours long. I think your review makes it clear that this game could potentially have endless replay opportunity.

What has also become clear to me the last couple of days is how creative this game is. I have heard countless versions of the super mario brothers theme and am surprised at how different they all sound.

What i think a lot of reviewers failed to notice is that it is possible to make really good versions of songs with practice, meaning that this is more than just a noise machine. You can actually become very good at this game, and timing really matters.

Finally, I think it is clear that this game is mostly for people who like music, and not so much for gamers. Well done Nintendo for creating a game about creating music, rather than just following rhythm patterns.

In any case great review.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

That was really well written and comprehensive. You should be a site contributor :)

Excellent review...100% agree... im having fun with mii maestro... i would like to play the 50 songs in this mode.... i suck in custom jam... but its a really good game if you enjoy music...

We are Wii....Waiting for Pikmin 3! and Pikmin 2 NPC...


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sparkit34 said:

Finally, I think it is clear that this game is mostly for people who like music, and not so much for gamers. Well done Nintendo for creating a game about creating music, rather than just following rhythm patterns.


This is pretty much exactly what I said in another thread - and I got laughed out of it. Perhaps people are starting to wise up.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Amazing work Sky. I knew you could pull it off. I know without a doubt I'm buying this game now, so if ya ever feel like ya did that work for nothin'. Don't, cause to me, you've closed to sale on at least 1 person. Means ya made a difference.

Way to go Sky!

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

great review, and except for a longer initial session, it's usually how games are played. IMO every review should be complemented with a "a week later" or something. but anyway, this rant should be posted in SmokedHostage's thread.

it's funny because you described it more than ANY other article out there.

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

After E3 I almost wrote this game off. I have not read this review fully yet, just skimmd through, but I must admit, this game looks better the closer it gets.

I will be renting this because funds are low (only Wii Series game I do not own yet) and based on what I think I may pick this up later.

It seems great for the days in which you do not know what to play and just want to kick back, relax and make beats.

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Awesome review. The wii is really something, isn't it?