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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music - The Comprehensive Review


I just looked at your videos, the third one was very funny and.... weird =p No wonder why Matt didn't like Wii Music. The last one was really good, you improved a lot.

How does the overdubbing works? If I want to make a video with all the instruments, I have to play the music 5 or 6 times? Can I change instruments on the fly? Or the song? If I want to change one specific part I can do it, or is necessary to play the complete music?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

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Soma said:

I just looked at your videos, the third one was very funny and.... weird =p No wonder why Matt didn't like Wii Music. The last one was really good, you improved a lot.

How does the overdubbing works? If I want to make a video with all the instruments, I have to play the music 5 or 6 times? Can I change instruments on the fly? Or the song? If I want to change one specific part I can do it, or is necessary to play the complete music?

You've gotta play through the entire song, unfortunately. This makes it tough to really make it sound the way you want it to. One bad mistake and the video is kinda ruined... redo -_-

edit: And yeah, one part at a time. Go back, use that old "run," and simply change parts and play the song again.

Awesome review Sky. I've been interested in this game since I saw the first video of it, and it's the only game this generation that is close to making me purchase a console.

I have a couple of issues with it, the foremost being the Midi sounds. The second being the setlist, which appears far from awesome. If not for these two issues, I would be buying a Wii with Wii Music any moment now...

I also want to say that while the structure of your review was really good, it was a bit too long. At least a bit too long to swallow in one go. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.

This is invisible text!

i am surprised that we haven't had the troll factor come in and try to rip the game to threads, its speaks volumes for your review that you haven't given them anything that they might use with out looking retarded, it also speaks very well for this game


I just read the review and didn't watched the clips, but nowI did. Man, I don't understand why this game got such bad reviews... From what I listen, it looks, well it is heard, like a very hard thing to play! I am gonna get it for sure. Thanks again for the review.

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Wow awesome review, and I'm quite surprised. No site has given this game the time and effort like you did. I'm not saying I'm gonna get this game, but i definitely now will consider getting it later on. Its what the Wii is all about right? New experiences that are refreshing, and Wii Fit is no stranger. It doesn't mean it will appeal to everybody, but widening and varying the gaming audience is not by all means a bad thing.

And at least you had the courage to give this game a review it deserves, it reminds me why i really enjoy this site, and is by far my favorite gaming site:D

I really am glad that this review has proven so helpful to others. As for those who are looking for further reviews, I've decided to take the same basic idea of a critical approach to reviewing a game, and tackle reviewing a more traditional title. The game in question is Star Ocean: First Departure for PSP, and the review is right here. Criticism on it is very welcome, though I do ask that you keep criticism for any of my reviews in their own topics so I can easily find them. Here's hoping that I can work out a basic template for future critical review efforts!

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

c0rd said:
Soma said:

I just looked at your videos, the third one was very funny and.... weird =p No wonder why Matt didn't like Wii Music. The last one was really good, you improved a lot.

How does the overdubbing works? If I want to make a video with all the instruments, I have to play the music 5 or 6 times? Can I change instruments on the fly? Or the song? If I want to change one specific part I can do it, or is necessary to play the complete music?

You've gotta play through the entire song, unfortunately. This makes it tough to really make it sound the way you want it to. One bad mistake and the video is kinda ruined... redo -_-

edit: And yeah, one part at a time. Go back, use that old "run," and simply change parts and play the song again.


Well, it's good to have some challenge, and I guess is a good thing that the songs are not too long after all.


Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Just finished reading your review *applauds* nice work! That's a very good review. Much better than the terrible ones you can find on the professional media.

It seems now why the hardkorez hated that game. It really forces them to learn from their mistakes instead of becoming semi the classic games from yor ^^

I am definitely going to give it a try.

I'd like to think of Wii Music as a good demo of what is capable with the Wiimote (even more capable with WM+). Well, all Wii --- titles are like that, really. =]

The BuShA owns all!