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Forums - General Discussion - Skinhead Plot to Kill Obama Thwarted, Officials Say

MrBubbles said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
akuma587 said:
Obama's the antichrist. Duh! He can't actually die from an assasination!


Wouldn't you mean assassination attempt? To assassinate means he can be killed in a secretive manner.


except he will recieve a fatal wound.


Fatal maybe to someone who wasn't the antichrist, but to him it wouldn't be if he is the so-called antichrist. Second of all Obama doesn't fit the upbringing description of the Antrichrist. The Antrichrist was born to powerful people. I'm not christian and even I know that.

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Meanwhile in other news:

"...had he depicted Barack Obama in the same scene, it would not have gone over as well, because the history of a hanged black man in America is a lot more intense than a hanged white woman."

Oh FoxNews, your hilarious. With out you I would only have Colbert, Stewart, and SNL for my comedy delivery of the news.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:
Meanwhile in other news:

"...had he depicted Barack Obama in the same scene, it would not have gone over as well, because the history of a hanged black man in America is a lot more intense than a hanged white woman."

Oh FoxNews, your hilarious. With out you I would only have Colbert, Stewart, and SNL for my comedy delivery of the news.

I don't get what is s funny.


Coca-Cola said:
steven787 said:
Meanwhile in other news:

"...had he depicted Barack Obama in the same scene, it would not have gone over as well, because the history of a hanged black man in America is a lot more intense than a hanged white woman."

Oh FoxNews, your hilarious. With out you I would only have Colbert, Stewart, and SNL for my comedy delivery of the news.

I don't get what is s funny.



What's funny is that Foxnews puts this higher in the headlines than an actual hate group planning the assasination of a presidential candidate.

The effigy of Palin is in bad taste, even news worthy, but why does every media outlet continue to bring up race?  I just don't get what the big deal is.  A black man is running for president, I can understand (not approve, just understand the history) people getting excited or upset (because of ethnocentricity, not necesarily racism) but why does every other news story have to bring up the fact that he is black.  I am pretty sure everyone has already figured that out.  As far as that specific comment, I'm pretty sure everyone already made that connection. 

It's bad journalism to say it because it was not part of the story until the reporter asked the unrelated question.

Did the AP story that this thread is based on ask, "How do think people would have responded if it was McCain?"

No, because McCain is a white guy, it doesn't even enter their little ethnocentric brains.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Seriously. I think killing off effigies is awesome and hilarious. Hanging a black effigy is racist and horrible. Hanging a white effigy is awesome and hilarious. I'm not saying that blacks are immune to effigies. You just don't hang them. You burn them or impale them. I think it's more appropriate to do it to Bush or Cheney right now, or to impale Ted Stevens with a series of tubes, but whatever, I'm a free speech nut and a big fan of Halloween.

Fox is insane to think that a Halloween decoration (note: Halloween is when you're supposed to put fake dead bodies every where once a year, and ever 4 years it's a couple days before an election, so political figures are popular, not news at all) is more newsworthy than an actual half-baked hate group assassination conspiracy. But then again, Fox's top story is about an interview Obama gave 7 years ago in which he talked about how the Civil Rights movement failed by stopping at equal voting rights but didn't pull any minorities out of poverty, but explained in a way to make me think he's an evil communist.

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And why has nobody posted a picture of these goons yet? This is one of the guys, Daniel Cowart, aged 20. This pic is from MySpace! Hahahahaha!!! They thought they could get away with something like this, after putting pics like this up on MySpace!!?!?!?

And is that lipstick? Little hate crimer's kinda cute. He'll make a good bitch in the big house.

Here's Obama's reaction:

He could not have answered that any better. For better or worse (I say better) he is one of the coolest heads I have ever seen. His measured responses should be the subject of a public speaking and communications class.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

It was perfect. He turned my anger at these assholes into happiness that there are so few left and that they have no real movement left, and he made me optimistic about the future all over again. I'm pretty drunk, but he almost made me love America.

You try and assasinate Obama, but leave Bush alone for 8 years. Guess I know which side the wackos are on.