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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout 3 ,will you buy it?

I have come to the decision that I will torrent it to see how the game is first. If it has the Fallout feel I'm gonna be in the store 10 minutes later. If not I probably won't clock more than an hour in the game before deleting it, so it doesn't matter.

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Bethesda always has been a crappy developer T_T

I wonder if Fallout 3 will also implement the traditional "main quest bug that forbids you from ever ending it". It's been a staple on many their games.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
Bethesda always has been a crappy developer T_T


I strongly disagree, though I have found that there is a strong subculture that tends to think along those lines because of Oblivion.

If we judge all games by crappy development backgrounds, are not games like Killzone 2 and The Conduit doomed to fail.

Games should be judged individually, imo, and not generalized based on the past work of their developers.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
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I don't need your console war.


Oblivion? heck their earlier elder scroll games were a buggy mess. You pretty much had to play these with a guide just to avoid the game-critical bugs. Both Morrowind and Oblivion just cemented that opinion.

The only thing their games are good for is modding and that's not something you can do on consoles.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
Oblivion? heck their earlier elder scroll games were a buggy mess. You pretty much had to play these with a guide just to avoid the game-critical bugs. Both Morrowind and Oblivion just cemented that opinion.

The only thing their games are good for is modding and that's not something you can do on consoles.


Again, that's your opinion. I glad you decided to be so vocal about it, because hate speech is far too quite on this forum.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Oblivion? heck their earlier elder scroll games were a buggy mess. You pretty much had to play these with a guide just to avoid the game-critical bugs. Both Morrowind and Oblivion just cemented that opinion.

The only thing their games are good for is modding and that's not something you can do on consoles.


Again, that's your opinion. I glad you decided to be so vocal about it, because hate speech is far too quite on this forum.


Yeah, sometimes I forget forums are just to exchange smily icons at each other =(

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Oblivion? heck their earlier elder scroll games were a buggy mess. You pretty much had to play these with a guide just to avoid the game-critical bugs. Both Morrowind and Oblivion just cemented that opinion.

The only thing their games are good for is modding and that's not something you can do on consoles.


Again, that's your opinion. I glad you decided to be so vocal about it, because hate speech is far too quite on this forum.


Yeah, sometimes I forget forums are just to exchange smily icons at each other =(


You've mentioned your opinion, and reinforced it. I found this line a tad insulting, honestly: Bethesda always has been a crappy developer, because it goes totally against my opinion, and because i respect Bethesda and the people who work there, and if nothing else, they work hard on their games. No need to campaign your opinion around and keep trying to convince others, that's all I'm saying. You're on record. You really passionately hate Bethesda, and you hate this game simply because they developed it. I understand, and it makes me sad, but let that be the end of it. No need to continually re-enforce that already flaming opinion, with new and more relevant flaming opinions.

Saying, "Nintendo has always been a crappy developer" is what I equate your statment to. That's why I've reacted the way I did.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I disagree that Braid easily deserves a 10/10. I've already lost interest in it (I'll come back to it at some point). The game's puzzles aren't clever at all. The only thing that makes it difficult is that the game doesn't fucking tell you anything about your powers or the rules of the world, so you have to figure out some bullshit (like stepping on a puzzle piece) that make no sense. I much prefer World of Goo in the downloadable puzzle game department.

I disagree that Braid easily deserves a 10/10. I've already lost interest in it (I'll come back to it at some point). The game's puzzles aren't clever at all. The only thing that makes it difficult is that the game doesn't fucking tell you anything about your powers or the rules of the world, so you have to figure out some bullshit (like stepping on a puzzle piece) that make no sense. I much prefer World of Goo in the downloadable puzzle game department.

I also disagree that Bethesda works hard at their games. Oblivion could have been made with some leftover Morrowind code and a map editor, and they made no attempt to preserve the diplomacy aspects of Fallout 1 and 2 (which could be beaten without every fighting if you wanted).

They take the easy path of game development. Focus on the combat and make everything really big and shiny (even if that size is empty of content) and the hardcore teenagers won't give a damn if everything else is lacking.

naznatips said:

I disagree that Braid easily deserves a 10/10. I've already lost interest in it (I'll come back to it at some point). The game's puzzles aren't clever at all. The only thing that makes it difficult is that the game doesn't fucking tell you anything about your powers or the rules of the world, so you have to figure out some bullshit (like stepping on a puzzle piece) that make no sense. I much prefer World of Goo in the downloadable puzzle game department.

I also disagree that Bethesda works hard at their games. Oblivion could have been made with some leftover Morrowind code and a map editor, and they made no attempt to preserve the diplomacy aspects of Fallout 1 and 2 (which could be beaten without every fighting if you wanted).

They take the easy path of game development. Focus on the combat and make everything really big and shiny (even if that size is empty of content) and the hardcore teenagers won't give a damn if everything else is lacking.

Neither will reviewers, apparently.

That said, I agree with you on World of Goo. It's excellent. As good as Braid, however they are, imo, both very excellent games.

I'm fairly upset about your Braid comments. I think the puzzles in the game are very clever, and I rank it amongst my favorites of this generation. Perhaps we just like different things in our games, rather than assuming that one of our opinions is wrong, perhaps both opinions are correct, or neither, and we are simply having different experienced when it comes to Braid.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.