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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable II Thread of Awesomesauce and Win

Just for fun, my impressions so far from another thread:

Anyways, here are my thoughts so far (pretty far in the game):


  • The story is good
  • There are some spots where they put in interesting spots to make decisions.  I'm trying to play a purely good character so I had to make a really tough decision and some sacricies (SPOILER In the spire I chose to disobey every time and lost a crapload of experience).
  • Combat is a button masher but it's still fun
  • It's still Fable-- even with all the improvements it's still Fable.  It's still a pretty linear world, though bigger, but that isn't a bad thing.  If you liked Fable you'll like this.
  • Your actions do have direct consequences on the world


  • The dog is a pain in the ass.  You will be walking forward, your dog wil hang back, you'll get near a dig spot and the dog will bark.  You run back to the dog because he won't run to you but he was actually barking at a dig spot near you so you have to run forward again hoping the dog is with you and wait for him to find the dig spot again.
  • The dog can literally take up to 10 seconds to find properly find a dig spot, just long enough so it takes the same amount of time it takes to select the spade from the menu.  The dog will run up to the spot, walk in circles, and eventually find the dig spot so you can quick select your spade.
  • If your dog finds a dig spot or treasure and then enemies appear your dog won't help you fight.
  • Every time you dig or open a treasure chest there's a 5 second or so unskippable cut scene.  I HATE UNSKIPPABLE CONSTANTLY REPEATED CUT SCENES!  I understand why they did it (because you can get attacked and severly punished while opening or digging) but it still doesn't change the fact it sucks.  Let me skip the damn cut scene if there are no enemies around!
  • The animation team really dropped the ball on this game.  Your character constantly clips through the dog.  Hannah's hammer constantly clips through her head, when you walk into a wall it looks terrible, and so on.  It's sad but you constantly notice how terrible the animations are because of the lack of polish.
  • There doesn't seem to be as many titles and clothing options as the last one.  This just might be me going crazy
  • I'm not a big fan of the magic.  I mainly just use level 1 timestop and don't waist time charging higher level spells because it just takes so much time.
  • Troll fights are long and boring.  You essentially run in a circle using timestop if you have it and just shooting your ranged weapon.
  • There are some really long and boring wave fights.  You'll be waiting for an NPC to do something and enemies just keep coming and it gets really boring.
  • Experience orbs disappear if you don't grab them quick enough.  That means when the game throws 30 enemies in a row at you you have to stop every 10 or so enemies and collect experience and just take the hits.
  • One you find a weapon with two augment slots and get the ghoul and gold touch augments the game is simple.
  • Targeting people can be *very* finicky.  The worst was the demon door you have to do dog tricks in front of.

There's probably more but I have to go.  Despite all these gripes keep in mind that I very much like this game.  It's definitely worth a buy and I can't wait to play through a second time to play an evil character.

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you guys forgot about MGS4 back in June

one the day before....the whole SOny Discussions page was full of MGS4....half of em were review threads....around a quarter spoiler ones being locked quickly n sum others

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey




makingmusic476 said:


1. Like I said, those threads will remain open.

2. You're bringing up day old threads from the second page of the forum to prove your point?

3. There are even less Resistance threads on the first page of the Sony forum than LBP threads. And several threads made over a week doesn't compare to 7-8 active threads at once.

4. Why the hell are you trying to derail this topic?


I'm not trying to derail the topic.  But this is the first time I've ever seen anyone come into a thread and declare that all threads about a particular game's gameplay need to be shoved into one thread, regardless how disparate.  I've never seen this done in other threads, such as those regarding MGS4. 

But in the interest of trying to get along, I withdraw my complaint and will adhere to your rules.

@Twestern magicks is awesome...after playing with sublime I realized magicks are really good and cool in this game. Try getting force push (or lightning/fire) to level 5 it's pretty cool, and get timestop to level 3.
Step 1 cast a lvl 1 timestop
Step 2 charge to lvl 3 timestop
Step 3 charge your lvl 5 force push
Step 4 Watch everything around you die

So far I think the sword is the weakest combat in the game, I haven't leveled my physique though because I don't want to look butch. Has anyone leveled swords to lvl 5? I want to know if they surround you at that level.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Grahamhsu said:
@Twestern magicks is awesome...after playing with sublime I realized magicks are really good and cool in this game. Try getting force push (or lightning/fire) to level 5 it's pretty cool, and get timestop to level 3.
Step 1 cast a lvl 1 timestop
Step 2 charge to lvl 3 timestop
Step 3 charge your lvl 5 force push
Step 4 Watch everything around you die

So far I think the sword is the weakest combat in the game, I haven't leveled my physique though because I don't want to look butch. Has anyone leveled swords to lvl 5? I want to know if they surround you at that level.


I have most of my strength and dex skills around 4 and a few magic skills at 4 and so far magic hasn't impressed me.  I use timestop a lot but other than that it just hasn't been worth it.

I have a cleaver that does a lot of damage, has the ghoultouch augment (I gain life for every bit of damage I deal with it), and the gold touch augment (gain 50 gold for every kill with it) and the game is simple. It cost a lot of money to buy the best two augments in the game (luckily I bought the stone cutter cart in bowerstone) and buy a master cleaver with two augment slots but it was well worth it.  I think the total for that weapon counting the augments would be over 50k.

If I find an enemy is blocking too much I time stop through them or just time stop in general and they stop blocking.

I've messed with magic and it just can't compare to my weapon.  I have to spend too much time charging and it just isn't worth it to me.  Even with time stop I still take hits and it just hasn't been worth it.  I do admit I only have the improved time stop 1 so maybe that's the problem, but my sword is doing nicely.  I was thinking of making my evil character more magic based anyways.

ghoultouch augment seems amazing, when I saw it I said awesome life leech! Anywho with the lvl 1 and than 3 timestop you'll get hit at most 1-2 times, let's play together sometime twest I'll show you the power of magick and gun combined =) I can kill banshees so fast it's ridiculous. The banshee spawns kids, I already charged a lvl 5 spell, I cast it and all the kids die, headshot the banshee 2-3 times and it's dead =).

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
ghoultouch augment seems amazing, when I saw it I said awesome life leech! Anywho with the lvl 1 and than 3 timestop you'll get hit at most 1-2 times, let's play together sometime twest I'll show you the power of magick and gun combined =) I can kill banshees so fast it's ridiculous. The banshee spawns kids, I already charged a lvl 5 spell, I cast it and all the kids die, headshot the banshee 2-3 times and it's dead =).


Sure, I've been meaning to try to the co-op even though I don't like co-op in general (I always have the orbs turned off).  >_>

Yeah, I was all scared of banshees at first because the little tips had talked about them earlier and made them sound earler.  I just timestop, kill the babies in a few blows, directional timestop at the banshee, and start swinging and it never gets the chance to spawn more.  It's pretty stupid how simple they are.

sticky this for a month or two and then this thread would be perfect.

I have my flame spell maxed out and the area of effect on that thing completely and utterly destroys everything. I time stop and then charge the spell up and unleash death. It kills most things in 1 shot. The more spells you have leveled up, the faster the spells charge up as well. I think you have to level up each spell for a particular level before the speed increases. But right now I can get a level 5 flame off before a level 1 timestop spell expires.

I do not have a problem with the dog. I just ignore him until he barks or I feel like playing with him. I think the only time he attacks enemies is if the enemy is knocked on the ground.

As far as animation problems are concerned, I do not see any. However, the collision detection is not the greatest.