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Grahamhsu said:
ghoultouch augment seems amazing, when I saw it I said awesome life leech! Anywho with the lvl 1 and than 3 timestop you'll get hit at most 1-2 times, let's play together sometime twest I'll show you the power of magick and gun combined =) I can kill banshees so fast it's ridiculous. The banshee spawns kids, I already charged a lvl 5 spell, I cast it and all the kids die, headshot the banshee 2-3 times and it's dead =).


Sure, I've been meaning to try to the co-op even though I don't like co-op in general (I always have the orbs turned off).  >_>

Yeah, I was all scared of banshees at first because the little tips had talked about them earlier and made them sound earler.  I just timestop, kill the babies in a few blows, directional timestop at the banshee, and start swinging and it never gets the chance to spawn more.  It's pretty stupid how simple they are.