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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable II Thread of Awesomesauce and Win

So I clicked on the Microsoft forums today and discovered this:

...and decided that was just too much.  ^_^

The game is out now, the reviews are in, the awesomeness has been confirmed, and now all that's left is for people to play the game.  So when discussing the actual playing of the game, KEEP IT HERE.  Please.  There are WAY too many threads on the front page.  I'll be leaving most of those that have already been created open, but please only post in them if you abslutely have to.  Any new threads created on the subject will probably be locked if they're not truly news worthy.

Oh, and does anybody want to loan me a 360 so I can play this game?  ;_;

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Fable 2 is a hell of a game.

I created a new Fable 2 thread to discuss why the length of the game can vary based on playing style. I certainly hope that you're not going to try and cram everything that can be discussed about a blockbuster game into one thread.

If you do, then I expect to only see one LBP game-play thread, or I'll come knocking at your door.

Like I said, the threads already open will remain open.

And this situation hardly compares to the LBP situation. Look at the Sony forum, look at all the active LBP threads, then look at the screenshot I posted, lol.

And there's already an Official LBP thread stickied at the top of the Sony forum (though it's been inactive for over a day now).

Tbh, I think all the "OMG LBP!" stuff came to a head during the beta, and then kind've died off during the wacky, semi-delayed launch.

makingmusic476 said:
Like I said, the threads already open will remain open.

And this situation hardly compares to the LBP situation. Look at the Sony forum, look at all the active LBP threads, then look at the screenshot I posted, lol.

And there's already an Official LBP thread stickied at the top of the Sony forum (though it's been inactive for over a day now).

Tbh, I think all the "OMG LBP!" stuff came to a head during the beta, and then kind've died off during the wacky, semi-delayed launch.

Understood.  But those 6 annotated threads have well over 200 posts in them, combined.  I hope someone who has questions, a problem or something else important regarding gameplay doesn't end up getting their post lost/ignored in one massive thread.

As far as LBP is concerned, I counted quite a few threads on the second page of the Sony forum.  Perhaps they're not showing up on the main page because the game just came out.  Sometimes it seems like half the threads on the main page on any given day are related to Resistance 2.  R2 Pictures Released!  Resistance isn't resistance.  Resistance is better than X.  Resistance goes to college.  Etc.



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crumas2 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Like I said, the threads already open will remain open.

And this situation hardly compares to the LBP situation. Look at the Sony forum, look at all the active LBP threads, then look at the screenshot I posted, lol.

And there's already an Official LBP thread stickied at the top of the Sony forum (though it's been inactive for over a day now).

Tbh, I think all the "OMG LBP!" stuff came to a head during the beta, and then kind've died off during the wacky, semi-delayed launch.

Understood.  But those 6 annotated threads have well over 200 posts in them, combined.  I hope someone who has questions, a problem or something else important regarding gameplay doesn't end up getting their post lost/ignored in one massive thread.

As far as LBP is concerned, I counted quite a few threads on the second page of the Sony forum.  Perhaps they're not showing up on the main page because the game just came out.  Sometimes it seems like half the threads on the main page on any given day are related to Resistance 2.  R2 Pictures Released!  Resistance isn't resistance.  Resistance is better than X.  Resistance goes to college.  Etc.



well if you have played r2 beta you would understand


fable2 is cool played for a few hours at my friends house. he was showing me all his wives, think he had like 3 or 4. too bad he cant get a gf irl



1. Like I said, those threads will remain open.

2. You're bringing up day old threads from the second page of the forum to prove your point?

3. There are even less Resistance threads on the first page of the Sony forum than LBP threads. And several threads made over a week doesn't compare to 7-8 active threads at once.

4. Why the hell are you trying to derail this topic?

If I decide to keep my 360 I might get this game.

There is a huge chunk of awesomeness thrown in for any Fable players who are fans of Firefly/Serenity.

The Hero of Will, Garth, was voiced by Ron Glass.  His character (especially while still imprisoned) looks exactly like Shepard Book, right down to the cornrows in his hair from the movie.

There's at least one browncoat over at Lionhead.

Why is there a >_> face next to my doll trade thread...
so...anyone wanna trade dolls = )

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-