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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable II Thread of Awesomesauce and Win

naznatips said:
d21lewis said:
One BIG question: I been playing for hours and really taking my time. The only foes I faced (beside Xbox Live jerks) are Humans, trolls, Hollow Men, and beetles. Do I ever face anything mammoth, like a dragon or a titan or Michael Clarke Duncan?


Perhaps.  You'll definitely fight some pretty cool enemies later in the game.


No, that's really about it.  There are hobbes and belverines too but the variety really isn't there.

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Yeah, it got to me too twesterm, but the reasons you described are the reasons I don't want to play anymore. I felt the exact same way about the emptiness.

You shouldn't be making tough decisions on evil. That's always been the point of evil. You have no moral compass and thus no moral choices to make.

I may enjoy the evil playthrough just cause I'll get to end the game with all my... er... assets in tact.

naznatips said:
Yeah, it got to me too twesterm, but the reasons you described are the reasons I don't want to play anymore. I felt the exact same way about the emptiness.

You shouldn't be making tough decisions on evil. That's always been the point of evil. You have no moral compass and thus no moral choices to make.

I may enjoy the evil playthrough just cause I'll get to end the game with all my... er... assets in tact.


True, but to me at least, the tough decisions should be what this game is about and having only one extreme have those decisions just seems odd.  Especially when I'm sure so few people are going to play that extreme.

You would think they would at least have bigger consequences to playing the evil side.

Any idea how to lose that "magic abuse" look? My avatar looks evil when I want her to be sexy! She's getting kinda fat too. Help?

And on a positive note, I had about 3,000 gold and was saving up to buy a house when a fellow Xbox Live player gave me 10,000,000+ gold! Made my whole day!!

You can hep fat with celery. I don't think you can help the magic abuse scars though.

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The ending was just.. different I wasn't expecting that but well at least not many games end that way :P

After beating it I just wanted to go back and do the rest of those quests

Thanks, Naz!!

naznatips said:
You can hep fat with celery. I don't think you can help the magic abuse scars though.


I think eating any produce and tofu will make you skinny, they also add to your purity.

I believe after beating the game you can buy the castle, sleep in the kings bed, and that will reduce your age and get rid of scars.

twesterm said:
naznatips said:
You can hep fat with celery. I don't think you can help the magic abuse scars though.


I think eating any produce and tofu will make you skinny, they also add to your purity.

I believe after beating the game you can buy the castle, sleep in the kings bed, and that will reduce your age and get rid of scars.


Celery is the only veggie that reduces fat.

I don't know if that works for magic abuse scars though twesterm. 

Edit: Just found out you can remove all your magic scars by deleting all your Will skills.

naznatips said:
twesterm said:
naznatips said:
You can hep fat with celery. I don't think you can help the magic abuse scars though.


I think eating any produce and tofu will make you skinny, they also add to your purity.

I believe after beating the game you can buy the castle, sleep in the kings bed, and that will reduce your age and get rid of scars.


Celery is the only veggie that reduces fat.

I don't know if that works for magic abuse scars though twesterm. 

Edit: Just found out you can remove all your magic scars by deleting all your Will skills.

Really?  I thought apples and tofu did too, or maybe I'm just thinking of purity.  I only ate one pie (which made me fat) and no meat the whole game so didn't have to worry too much about being fat after fixing that.

How do you get magic abuse scars?  Killing innocents?

After reading this thread I did go back and give magic another try and I like it more now.  I mainly just used time stop and shock.  I tried raise dead up to level 3 but it didn't do much for me so I stopped using it.