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Forums - PC Discussion - Why is Left 4 Dead so hyped

Beja-Beja said:
cool48 said:
^^ It's also coming out on 360


 That is why it is practically hyped as a 360 exclusive, i knew that already.


All the hype I've been hearing has come from people who will get it on PC.

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cool48 said:
^^ It's also coming out on 360


well... people said that until they played the demo before the game released....

Thats why the sales sucked because the game sucked, but I on;y played the demo lol.


This game can be said about any game thats hyped coming out, "why is it hyped" well wait till it comes out and see.

I keep seeing R2 and how people hype it, but playing the beta, I'm hoping they fix the bland detail to the graphics, I mean come on if you play the beta you know what i'm talking about, it needs an upgrade... but it's a beta so it will get one... I hope.

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I think it has it also has something to do with the developer. Valve doesn't make a lot of games, but when they do there grand. They make you feel like your playing more than just a game, Half life for instance is a perfect example of that. Though dated imo the Orange Box was one of the best game series ever made.


Same can be said for Counter Strike: Source. You can say the graphics doesn't look very good or there is nothing new- just the same ol' army game but it has thousands and thousands of servers and players.

The easy to use gameplay is what people like, it is a FPS, just needs to be able to move, aim, and handle your equipment easily and Valve games does this right. Just cover the basics to a 'prefect' level and the gameplay will be fun, getting chased by zombies = fun, I don't need a 'cover/shield system' just need to be able to !@#$!$#@#$!@#$@ away from the zombies.

It looks to be fun as ****. ben should be in to explain at some point.

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It's so hyped because its a retail game with co op zombies!!!! Its not just some source mod, which by the way are endless amounts of fun. Plus its Turtle Rock which have done a lot for Counter Strike over the years. Did I mention Zombies?

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

I was in Chicago this week for a conference (my wireless card in my laptop died -- which is why I was not on-line the past few days).

All over the city are Left 4 Dead billboards.

There is lots of hype. But will the sales be sustained?

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


cool48 said:

I've been hearing so much hype about Valve's upcomming game Left 4 Dead and I can't seem to understand why.

I've tried watching dozens of gameplay videos, trailers, interviews etc.. and I can't see what is so good about this game.
The one thing I find cool is the online co-op but still Resistance 2(which I will be getting) will have co-op with 8 players + a single player campaign and a whole lot of competitive modes.

Maybe it's just because I find that Valve's games have been really overrated (except for CSS and Portal). I've been really trying to get back into PC gaming since I got my PS3 but up to now the only game that interests me is Crysis Warhead.

So why is Lef 4 Dead so highly anticipated? Is it because it's another Valve game? Is it because of the online co-op?

Because up to now I can't really find anything that interesting about the game.


I stopped reading after that. You obviously can't tell a good game from a bad one and an innovative one from one that isn't. Sorry for the perosonal attacks but it's true.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Because of the fanboys, just like r2 and kz2 are so hyped by the ps3 guys.

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Shura said:
Because of the fanboys, just like r2 and kz2 are so hyped by the ps3 guys.


Unlike those games, this one is made by a developer whose games have always been extremely polished, innovative, and generally changed the way people do Shooters after each one.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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