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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2, Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing?

To the MS crowd: only joking.  Gears of War 2. 

So arguably these are the biggest offerings from the big three this holiday.  Sure, there are other titles, but let's keep things simple.

Resistance 2


Very good word of mouth, both from the beta and from pretty much everyone that has played the game.

Supposedly huge scope, encompassing single player, co-op, and multiplayer online.

Significant visual improvement over the first game (which I personally never had a problem with, but still).



The gore.  This is just my opinion, and I haven't seen it myself, but I think this could work against the game.  It is supposed to be rated 18 in the UK, and other countries could follow suit.  The first game wasn't very gory, so why change things?  Could put off some users, and mean lost sales.


The first game sold over 3 milliion, which is pretty stellar for a new IP on brand new hardware.  There is more competition out there now, but even so, I expect this game to outsell the first by a significant amount.

Gears of War 2


The first game was very highly praised and seems to have satisfied the majority of players.

Probably now the second biggest franchise on the 360 (?).

Not much competition in regard to third person shooters.

Supposedly bigger, badder, better etc.


No beta or demo? 

I have the impression it's not getting quite as much attention as it would like.  Cliffy B says this, Cliffy B does that?  Who gives a rat's ass?

The game is being labelled Gears of War 1.5 in some places.  Maybe it is justified, maybe not.  Even so, can't be seen as a 'pro'.

Not being sold in Japan or Germany. 


The first game sold over 5 million, which is stellar really.  However, again, now things have changed quite a bit.  The sequel should still be huge, particularly in the US, but just how well is it going to fare elsewhere?

Animal Crossing

Rather a different genre, but a big hitter none the less.  Wii Music seems to be a curse word around here, so...


Tied in with some new hardware.  Usually works well for Nintendo.

Quite frankly, not a whole lot of competition.

Previous versions have been big in Japan and the US.

The DS game was massive.


The DS game was massive.  In other words, the last game was on a handheld, so the jump back to a console may not be so well received.

Is this really what Wii owners are asking for right now?

Does not have the words, 'Wii', or, 'Mario', in the title.


Past games have been very big, but the jump back to a console may work against this.  The DS version outsold the GC version by more than double.

Which will sell the most?

They are all going to be huge.  I think R2 is going to do very well, better than the first game.  If Gears 2 can exite the US crowd like the first one did, then I think it is going to come out on top.  There's no guarantee though.  Animal Crossing should be massive, but there's an element of doubt there too.  So:


Gears 2


Animal Crossing


Resistance 2 (but not far behind)


PSN - hanafuda

Around the Network

LittlebigPlanet will sell the most

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

just me or did you insult both the other candidates in the title of the OP before we even got to the actual body of the text?


lol at the title

Torillian said:
just me or did you insult both the other candidates in the title of the OP before we even got to the actual body of the text?

Lighten up.  I also said they would both sell more.


PSN - hanafuda

Around the Network

I actually think it would be between Gears 2 and Animal Crossing. THe reason why Animal Crossing sold better on the DS is because of the 1 Larger Userbase than the GC, and there being a greater number of "Casual" players on the DS than GC. So it should do just as good or better on the Wii. Also Nintendo seems to pushing it alot more than the DS version and Wii Speak being bundled with it optionally that might boost demand as well. Also wasn't the GC version only a port of the N64 version? Meaning a good number of people probably didn't buy it for that reason. Resistance 2 will sell good as well and a considerable amount more than the first, just not as good as Gears 2 or Animal Crossing imo. I do think R2 will be the best game out of the 3 though.

darthdevidem01 said:
LittlebigPlanet will sell the most

You know, you're probably right..


PSN - hanafuda

Gears 2 will sell the most, and likely be rated higher from critics, if I had to take a guess.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


hanafuda said:
darthdevidem01 said:
LittlebigPlanet will sell the most

You know, you're probably right..



I highly doubt LBP will outsell Gears 2.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


In terms of ratings, it'll go Gears, Resistance, AC.

In terms of sales, it'll go AC, Gears, Resistance.

LOL@ the idea that moving a series from a handheld to a console will hurt the console version's sales. Mario Kart Wii says hi.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."