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Forums - Sales Discussion - Bioshock PS3 a bust?

Griffin said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?



Whoa did you say Bioshock was an average shooter? Theres nothing average about that game.

Except for the graphics, and the later half of the game.

The concept was quite novel. The second game will build upon the first.


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BTW, saying "And Bioshock is far from a great game." might not gain you a lot of respect on gaming related websites.

Also, I don't think Twesterm too much appreciates you taking his quotes out of context to defend your statements. I wouldn't.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Griffin said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Griffin said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?



Whoa did you say Bioshock was an average shooter? Theres nothing average about that game.

Except for the graphics, and the later half of the game.


So, this is what it's come to. I bet PS3 fanboys would have flamed Bioshock to hell if it was a 360 exclusive. That just goes to show you, all they care about is how a game helps the PS3, not small things like how good it is.

Bioshock....Bioshock now, not some decent game, Bioshock, one of the best games ever....doesn't sell well on the PS3 and suddenly, "It's no Resistance 2."

Yeah, that's blasphemy, and a ruination of credibility not only for the person who said it, but for his friends, and family.

If Resistance 2 isn't the best game ever, I'm gonna die laughing.

I really like Bioshock and i'm currently playing it for a second time.  And i don't remember people flaming it last year. It sold 31k on one day in Europe, those are not bad sales and infact they are pretty decent.  And Bioshock is far from a great game. As twesterm pointed out the later half is average at best.


The X360 version sold 141k in Others on the first week...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.

fayewong said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.


I think it's safe to assume that your average game is not going to be better than one of the best games in the genre.  It could be better, sure, but the odds aren't with it.

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fayewong said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.


Actually, since Bioshock is one of the best games ever made, and has 96 metacritic and gameranking averages respectively, I just assumed that It'll have better reviews than Resistance 2, with a 99 percent certainty, if based on nothing else, pure luck. Also, there is this:

On top of that, I've actually played Resistance 1, and Bioshock. There simply isn't any comparison between those games. In fact, there is no comparison between Bioshock and nearly every other game I've played. It is excellence. I read a 1mb text file that helped explain and flesh out the story for me, I loved it so much.

So, while in theory, I can't say with 100 percent certainty which game is better, I can also not say with 100 percent certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow. However, I can tell you that the sun will rise.

...but no, Bioshock is worse than all the PS3 exclusives that released this year. You're right. I'm the fanboy. Haven't you learned anything, picking a fight with me?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.


Actually, since Bioshock is one of the best games ever made, and has 96 metacritic and gameranking averages respectively, I just assumed that It'll have better reviews than Resistance 2, with a 99 percent certainty, if based on nothing else, pure luck. Also, there is this:

On top of that, I've actually played Resistance 1, and Bioshock. There simply isn't any comparison between those games. In fact, there is no comparison between Bioshock and nearly every other game I've played. It is excellence. I read a 1mb text file that helped explain and flesh out the story for me, I loved it so much.

So, while in theory, I can't say with 100 percent certainty which game is better, I can also not say with 100 percent certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow. However, I can tell you that the sun will rise.

...but no, Bioshock is worse than all the PS3 exclusives that released this year. You're right. I'm the fanboy. Haven't you learned anything, picking a fight with me?

Too slow :-p


twesterm said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?


Bioshock is waaaaaay better than Resistance 2. I stay that, knowing full well that I have no clue how good Resistance 2 is, but secure in the knowledge that I am still right.


This logic is wrong.

1. You didn't play Resistance 2 so you know nothing about the game

2. You compared a game you have played (or could've) to an unreleased game

3. You say are right but you could be wrong

Your opinion seems fanboy based. In your mind you will always be right, but not in ours.


Actually, since Bioshock is one of the best games ever made, and has 96 metacritic and gameranking averages respectively, I just assumed that It'll have better reviews than Resistance 2, with a 99 percent certainty, if based on nothing else, pure luck. Also, there is this:

On top of that, I've actually played Resistance 1, and Bioshock. There simply isn't any comparison between those games. In fact, there is no comparison between Bioshock and nearly every other game I've played. It is excellence. I read a 1mb text file that helped explain and flesh out the story for me, I loved it so much.

So, while in theory, I can't say with 100 percent certainty which game is better, I can also not say with 100 percent certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow. However, I can tell you that the sun will rise.

...but no, Bioshock is worse than all the PS3 exclusives that released this year. You're right. I'm the fanboy. Haven't you learned anything, picking a fight with me?

Too slow :-p



lol, that's what I whisper to myself when I go super-sayajin and teleport behind some lesser fighters back, right before I elbow them into the dirt.


Also, RABBLE! I should have made mine short and sweet.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Bioshock has no multiplayer = Epic fail!!

konnichiwa said:
Bioshock has no multiplayer = Epic fail!!


Bioshock is a FPA, not a FPS. Multiplayer would have been a bullet point crutch like it is for most games based on engines. Bioshock isn't based on its engine, it's based on its narrative. Something multiplayer traditionally can't have. Now, you called Bioshock an epic fail. I have a feeling you don't realize how ashamed you should actually feel about that, but to each his own.

This simply proves that no matter how amazingly excellent a game is, there will always be some piece of humanity that thinks it sucks because it didn't have a lightbulb in a cup somewhere in the game.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.