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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance no longer Resistance?

The co-op part was just ridicoulous! There were so many enemies!!!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Griffin said:
SnakeEyez said:
Griffin said:
I've raised the sensitivity up to 100% now, its improved alot but it still feels odd. I'm finding it hard to play the game the same way i played RFoM, so i switched up my play style, i'm playing it more like CoD4. More slower and tactical, its paying off.

I've been exploring the levels more and certain parts look really good, but other parts seem to be alot worse. Which some of you pointed out was due to file size and what not.

The sounds are still off, but this could be due to the file size too. People also die alot faster, so if you get attacked from behind its almost impossible to turn around and kill them in time or locate the shooter if he is a bit in the distance. I'm still going to buy it 100%, but i guess i just came in expecting something else.


Funny u mention that, most people that have played the beta (especially on gamefaqs) complain that it takes like a whole clip to kill somebody, while in R:FOM, one clip would be able to take out 2 people or so.


Well, when u attack somebody from behind, u should be able to kill them since they are very vulnerable. Both things go hand in hand.

You can't really hold down the shoot button like RFoM, you need to aim down the sites and do short burst fire.  Maybe this is why they dump whole clips into guys.  The Co-op mode takes massive amounts of gun fire to kill people though.



well in co-op, ur shooting chimera, not players. Also, it depends on how many people are playing, if its 2 people, the chimera take much less damage to die, but if there is 6-8 people, then they are practically sponges.

axumblade said:
outlawauron said:
R2 (based on the beta) plays just like Halo 3. Fast paced, people absorb bullets, etc.

And I agree with makingmusic.

I think that if you're playing the game, if your arm gets shot off, you should only be able to use 1 arm. If your leg gets blown off, you should have to either limp or be stuck in the same place. I think that would make the game a lot more intense. Not sure why I'm quoting you, i just think it's a good idea to have in a game.

You should really play Dead Space then. It has everything that you mentioned. You'd love it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

@axumblade -- no you don't lose limbs. You cut off your enemies legs and arms in order to stop them (eg no legs means they have to use their arms to come at you and are slow)

i loved both the co-op and the the competitive. at first it felt weird and i wasn't enjoying it, but after i got used to it i was loving every minute of it.

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Damm, I now have my second beta code (EDIT gone) and I still can't play the game because I am away, the beta is sitting at home waiting to be installed!

axumblade said:
outlawauron said:
axumblade said:
outlawauron said:
R2 (based on the beta) plays just like Halo 3. Fast paced, people absorb bullets, etc.

And I agree with makingmusic.

I think that if you're playing the game, if your arm gets shot off, you should only be able to use 1 arm. If your leg gets blown off, you should have to either limp or be stuck in the same place. I think that would make the game a lot more intense. Not sure why I'm quoting you, i just think it's a good idea to have in a game.

You should really play Dead Space then. It has everything that you mentioned. You'd love it.

I can play with 1 arm ripped off me? I was only partially interested in the game until now...I have no choice but to get it. :D


No but you do get your limbs ripped off. You have to amputate limbs in order to kill enemies. Headshots and bodyshots are ineffective.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I normally just read forums as opposed to signing up and joining, however on this occasion I feel the need to voice my concern.

I was the biggest fan of the first Resistance, got it day one and played it ever since. The gameplay was great and original, as were the weapons. However, Resistance 2 just throws all of this out of the window. It is not what a Resistance game should be. I got a beta key yesertday night off of Fileplanet after waiting for hours on IGN for them to pull another one of their stunts. I downloaded the hefty file (2.2 Gigs) overnight and played it before school this morning for an hour and again after for around 3 hours.

The gameplay is terrible. Grenades come out of no-where and when you are hit by even a single bullet the whole screen goes red and you can't see what the hell is going on. Also, the bullets are so damn big that you have to try really hard not to miss. FoM required a lot of skill to master, precise shots, a well-trained skill with the carbine aiming at the head took time and effort. Now, headshots are all but non-existant, rather it is down to luck, or how many of your friends you have within a 2 foot radius to help. There is no skill needed to master Resistance 2.

The graphics on this game are outdated and the textures are just blurry. Sure the water looks nice, but what's the point if the tree's textures look weird from about 20 feet away? I thought the game would atleast be on par with COD4, alas I was left disappointed.

I think the main problem here is that Insomniac have tired to imitate other successful games too much (i.e COD4) but yet have forgotten what truely made the first Resistance great - it wasn't like other games. It was different and special. Insomniac have managed to destroy a franchise that had great promise, all in the name of trying to make the game more 'CoD4-ish' and I feel let down.

It is a shame really. I had such high hopes for the game.

Snaaaaaake said:
I normally just read forums as opposed to signing up and joining, however on this occasion I feel the need to voice my concern.

I was the biggest fan of the first Resistance, got it day one and played it ever since. The gameplay was great and original, as were the weapons. However, Resistance 2 just throws all of this out of the window. It is not what a Resistance game should be. I got a beta key yesertday night off of Fileplanet after waiting for hours on IGN for them to pull another one of their stunts. I downloaded the hefty file (2.2 Gigs) overnight and played it before school this morning for an hour and again after for around 3 hours.

The gameplay is terrible. Grenades come out of no-where and when you are hit by even a single bullet the whole screen goes red and you can't see what the hell is going on. Also, the bullets are so damn big that you have to try really hard not to miss. FoM required a lot of skill to master, precise shots, a well-trained skill with the carbine aiming at the head took time and effort. Now, headshots are all but non-existant, rather it is down to luck, or how many of your friends you have within a 2 foot radius to help. There is no skill needed to master Resistance 2.

The graphics on this game are outdated and the textures are just blurry. Sure the water looks nice, but what's the point if the tree's textures look weird from about 20 feet away? I thought the game would atleast be on par with COD4, alas I was left disappointed.

I think the main problem here is that Insomniac have tired to imitate other successful games too much (i.e COD4) but yet have forgotten what truely made the first Resistance great - it wasn't like other games. It was different and special. Insomniac have managed to destroy a franchise that had great promise, all in the name of trying to make the game more 'CoD4-ish' and I feel let down.

It is a shame really. I had such high hopes for the game.

1) If you're complaining about that, then you never played the original Killzone. Same thing, after 3 matches you get used to it. Th eonly thing missing from killzone are big bullets.

2) What you're playing is an old former closed beta build... here's something more recent, which looks damn good to me.


Hmm.... looks like I'll have to wait for some reviews b4 purchase....

4 ≈ One