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Forums - Sony Discussion - My Biggest Gripe With The PS3

I laugh at all BC whiners cuz I am one who bought the 600 console of suckage and yet I am ze winner now. Why dont you do auto sign in?

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meh, I could care less about BC at this point. Too busy playing PS3 games, I'd happily exchange the BC in my PS3 for a white or gun metal color (as long as i keep my card slots, those are pretty important to me...)

Agreed. I had a 20, 30 or so PS2 collection when i got my PS3. Used the BC A few times. Haven't Put a PS2 disk in my PS3 for about a 11 Months........

To the OP:

Did you set your ps3 network setting with the a Static IP or something?? If so then does you IP settings change when you turn your router off an on??? I think it could have something to do with that..... am not sure how to explain it maybe some one else can help you further. Some of the PC gamers here might have some Ideas.

To the a little over 10 post above me:

BC wasn't too important for me at all... I wanted the 4 USB ports, and Card Slots mainly.....

4 ≈ One

BC is important to me since I'm currently using up all the outputs on my TV for all the systems I own, and I absolutely hate having cables all over the place, plugging and unplugging them, and trying to figure out which console a certain cable goes to.

The other problem is room space. I don't have enough room to put a little black barbecue in, unless I took out the PS2 in exchange. Also, I hate having to use the HD disk every time I start up my PS2 so I can play the games scaled up, so it'd be nice to have a PS3 automatically do that every time I wanted to play a PS2 game.

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Wiped said:

Signing into the Playstation Network. It would take too long too explain, so here's a typical example:

- I wake up. After breakfast, I turn on my wireless box and the PS3 n Tv. I wait for the box to become ready (takes about a minute) then I press "sign in". It doesnt work. It simply DOESNT WORK if my PS3 was turned on before my wireless box. Unless I turn on the wireless box, wait until it's ready, then turn the PS3 on, it wont sign in. Why? If I play Uncharted, then decide to play Wipeout HD online, I have to turn off the PS3, turn my wireless box on, then turn the PS3 back on again. It's ridiculous.

Does anyone else have this problem?

(And no, it isnt my box. The Wii can connect to it whenever it wants, even if I turn the box on after the Wii has begun connecting).


That doesn't sound like a problem with the PS3...

This has never happened to me. Even if I replug the router, I can connect to the PSN without a problem.

Try Network Settings>Media Server Connection>Disable.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

no, I never have this problem

Just try keeping your wireless router turned on. It takes minimal power and i mean minimal power, if nothing is connected to it because it doesn't have to transmit data.

Because you turned off your wireless router and it lost it's connection with the PS3 you would have to than input the password and connect manually again, to much of a hassle when you can just keep the router on.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

Dgc1808 said:
To the OP:

Did you set your ps3 network setting with the a Static IP or something?? If so then does you IP settings change when you turn your router off an on??? I think it could have something to do with that..... am not sure how to explain it maybe some one else can help you further. Some of the PC gamers here might have some Ideas.


No, i'm certain the IP settings stay the same. I turn my router on and off several times a day and I don't have to re-input any settings on anything, including the PS3. It's just that I have to reset my PS3 if I turn my router on after the PS3; for instance if I go from an offline game to an online game. It's really irritating.

And to Pharaoh - why would I keep it on if I don't need it? When I go to bed at night, the only thing still on in my whole apartment is the fridge. I dont even leave anything on standby, I unplug it. It's just a good habit to get into. And no, I don't have to input the password again. I think the PS3 is the problem, as soon as I turn it on, it tries to connect to the internet, assuming I have my router on 24/7, and because it fails to connect, when I DO want to go online, I have to reset the PS3. >_<

I havent tried disabling the media server connect option yet, I will try that asap.

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