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Dgc1808 said:
To the OP:

Did you set your ps3 network setting with the a Static IP or something?? If so then does you IP settings change when you turn your router off an on??? I think it could have something to do with that..... am not sure how to explain it maybe some one else can help you further. Some of the PC gamers here might have some Ideas.


No, i'm certain the IP settings stay the same. I turn my router on and off several times a day and I don't have to re-input any settings on anything, including the PS3. It's just that I have to reset my PS3 if I turn my router on after the PS3; for instance if I go from an offline game to an online game. It's really irritating.

And to Pharaoh - why would I keep it on if I don't need it? When I go to bed at night, the only thing still on in my whole apartment is the fridge. I dont even leave anything on standby, I unplug it. It's just a good habit to get into. And no, I don't have to input the password again. I think the PS3 is the problem, as soon as I turn it on, it tries to connect to the internet, assuming I have my router on 24/7, and because it fails to connect, when I DO want to go online, I have to reset the PS3. >_<

I havent tried disabling the media server connect option yet, I will try that asap.

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