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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
kingofwale said:

Both GTAIV and MGS4 got high reviews... so, I don't seem to get your argument.

Somehow you are mistaken this with "defeat to the 360"... again, if this argument has anything OTHER than to talk about the games you listed and whether they actually deserve to be listed here... let me know now.

To say how DS has superior software just because it sold a bunch of hardware is absolutely wrong. I don't think anybody is here to dispute that.

They didn't both get high reviews. Grand Theft Auto IV got BETTER reviews. That was my point. If you're going to use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge quality then do note that Gamerankings says Advance Wars: Dual Strike is better than Uncharted.There is always going to be something Gamerankings averages that you will not agree with. So why are you using them as a reference point?

My second point about the 360 is that I originally told Bobo, from where you quoted me, that my next list would be the 360's. You stepped in so I'm talking to you as if you are continuing his argument. If you use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge 80% and up games, the PS3 will not stand up to the 360. I suppose what I should ask you is, do you believe the 360 has the best Holiday lineup? If you don't then why are you using Gamerankings to prove your point with, because all signs on Gamerakings point to 360 having the best lineup.

I didn't say the DS had superior software. You laughed at the list I put up, basically dismissing a lot of quality games. I pointed out that it's a bit ridiculous to laugh at the software of an 80 million selling platform and chalking it up to bad games when platforms that sell that much always have good software. Give me another 80 million selling platform that didn't have killer support. I'll give you a hint on where to start, try under the Sony category.


Using metacritic, which imo is more reliable than Gamerankings,

DS- 3 games 90+

PS1- 30 games 90+

PS2- 62 games 90+

GameBoy Advance- 14 games 90+

Noticing a pattern?


Yeah I'm noticing the pattern that Metacritic has only been polling data for four years and everything before that is incomplete and sketchy at best. Or did you not notice that magazine reviews, which were more common than internet reviews back then don't happen to be represented with most games from the GBA and PSOne.


The fact remains that the DS was released well into metacritic's lifespan and Mario Kart DS's metascore was based on 64 reviews. The PS2 was launched around metacritic's release date, and still has all of these AAA titles.

Just look at AAA games in the 7th Gen:

X360: 16 (I know 360 has the best games, but it's been out for an extra year)

PS3: 7

Wii: 7

DS: 3

PSP: 1

Therefore, of the consoles that are being discussed (PS3, X360 and DS) the DS has the worst lineup of games currently available.

Also, have some creativity. Resistance 1.5 AND MotorStorm 1.5?

Halo clone springs to mind (don't worry, I don't think it is)


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network

Personally I think that the PS3 has the best line-up, why?

1. I don't have a DS, so I can right that off
2. I am not interested in Fallout 3, so that DLC does not wash with me, I am far more interested in the (reportedly) free DLC for Mirror's Edge
3. I don't care about L4D, I hate horror games, and I also have not got excited about Banjo at all
4. I had barely heard of the Naruto games before now
5. Valkaria Chronicles (or however you spell it) does not interest me either
6. Free PS3 online play. This means that I will be buying CoD WaW on PS3 (though I will have gold at the time) because just playing GeoW 2 online is not better than playing R2 online, as well as the old and lovely Warhawk, and more of my friends have PS3s
7. I love LBP, playing the beta just put a smile on my face

So this leaves me with these as the games I am getting in the next few months (I have already got IU, TFU for 360, and PES 09 PS3) {exclusives in CAPS}

FABLE II (should be dispatched now)

Prince of Persia (360)
Call of Duty World at War (PS3)
MIRROR's Edge (PS3 + exclusive DLC)

This proves that, for me, Sony has the stronger line-up


1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour


It looks like PS3 has more of a stronger line-up. The multiplatform games seem to balance out the lineup this season. The rest of the exclusives I didn't put cause most of them didn't seem very appealing or have any interest in at all so I didn't add them.

So please don't be talking crap about some game on another console... its still coming out on that console and lots of people like the game even if you don't. It may be crap to you but those who are still buying it think otherwise. Everyone has different tastes. And one good game does not = 2 games on another console. wth? so 1+1=4 now? Thats just an opinion.



Strongest lineup? well maybe for 30% of a videogame players who surf the internet, it's the other 70% who will make a difference not the rabid "hardcores" who think they have the right to say what game is crap and what game isn't, and that is without having played 95% of the games they dismiss.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

thejuicingamer said:

Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

Yes! I agree.

1. LittleBigPlanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motorstorm 2

4. Socom Confrontation

5. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

6. Valkiria Chronicles

7. White Knight Chronicles ( for Jap market )

8. WipEout HD

9. Others

All exclusives available only on PS3.

Around the Network
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
kingofwale said:

Both GTAIV and MGS4 got high reviews... so, I don't seem to get your argument.

Somehow you are mistaken this with "defeat to the 360"... again, if this argument has anything OTHER than to talk about the games you listed and whether they actually deserve to be listed here... let me know now.

To say how DS has superior software just because it sold a bunch of hardware is absolutely wrong. I don't think anybody is here to dispute that.

They didn't both get high reviews. Grand Theft Auto IV got BETTER reviews. That was my point. If you're going to use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge quality then do note that Gamerankings says Advance Wars: Dual Strike is better than Uncharted.There is always going to be something Gamerankings averages that you will not agree with. So why are you using them as a reference point?

My second point about the 360 is that I originally told Bobo, from where you quoted me, that my next list would be the 360's. You stepped in so I'm talking to you as if you are continuing his argument. If you use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge 80% and up games, the PS3 will not stand up to the 360. I suppose what I should ask you is, do you believe the 360 has the best Holiday lineup? If you don't then why are you using Gamerankings to prove your point with, because all signs on Gamerakings point to 360 having the best lineup.

I didn't say the DS had superior software. You laughed at the list I put up, basically dismissing a lot of quality games. I pointed out that it's a bit ridiculous to laugh at the software of an 80 million selling platform and chalking it up to bad games when platforms that sell that much always have good software. Give me another 80 million selling platform that didn't have killer support. I'll give you a hint on where to start, try under the Sony category.


Using metacritic, which imo is more reliable than Gamerankings,

DS- 3 games 90+

PS1- 30 games 90+

PS2- 62 games 90+

GameBoy Advance- 14 games 90+

Noticing a pattern?


Yeah I'm noticing the pattern that Metacritic has only been polling data for four years and everything before that is incomplete and sketchy at best. Or did you not notice that magazine reviews, which were more common than internet reviews back then don't happen to be represented with most games from the GBA and PSOne.


The fact remains that the DS was released well into metacritic's lifespan and Mario Kart DS's metascore was based on 64 reviews. The PS2 was launched around metacritic's release date, and still has all of these AAA titles.

Just look at AAA games in the 7th Gen:

X360: 16 (I know 360 has the best games, but it's been out for an extra year)

PS3: 7

Wii: 7

DS: 3

PSP: 1

Therefore, of the consoles that are being discussed (PS3, X360 and DS) the DS has the worst lineup of games currently available.

Also, have some creativity. Resistance 1.5 AND MotorStorm 1.5?

Halo clone springs to mind (don't worry, I don't think it is)



MS isn't doing anything Sony didn't do by coming out a year earlier than the competition. Sony did that with the PS2 and no one complained at all did they. I know I didn't when I bought my PS2.

fayewong said:


1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour


It looks like PS3 has more of a stronger line-up. The multiplatform games seem to balance out the lineup this season. The rest of the exclusives I didn't put cause most of them didn't seem very appealing or have any interest in at all so I didn't add them.

So please don't be talking crap about some game on another console... its still coming out on that console and lots of people like the game even if you don't. It may be crap to you but those who are still buying it think otherwise. Everyone has different tastes.




PS3 doesn't have the stronger lineup. They just have more games. It's amazing that the 360 still 6 hot exclusives in the basket amongst a years worth of great games unlike the PS3. Write down the great exclusives that have come out on the 360 the whole year and put it up against the PS3. Last time I checked Socom didn't do so well in the review section either. Bioshock doesn't count. You also forgot Naruto for the 360. Gears 2, Fable 2 is enough to take on LBP and Resistance 2. Those are the only true AAA titles. I'll make a bet with you that together the Gears 2 and Fable 2 combined sells twice what LBP and Resistance 2 sells combined.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
kingofwale said:

Both GTAIV and MGS4 got high reviews... so, I don't seem to get your argument.

Somehow you are mistaken this with "defeat to the 360"... again, if this argument has anything OTHER than to talk about the games you listed and whether they actually deserve to be listed here... let me know now.

To say how DS has superior software just because it sold a bunch of hardware is absolutely wrong. I don't think anybody is here to dispute that.

They didn't both get high reviews. Grand Theft Auto IV got BETTER reviews. That was my point. If you're going to use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge quality then do note that Gamerankings says Advance Wars: Dual Strike is better than Uncharted.There is always going to be something Gamerankings averages that you will not agree with. So why are you using them as a reference point?

My second point about the 360 is that I originally told Bobo, from where you quoted me, that my next list would be the 360's. You stepped in so I'm talking to you as if you are continuing his argument. If you use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge 80% and up games, the PS3 will not stand up to the 360. I suppose what I should ask you is, do you believe the 360 has the best Holiday lineup? If you don't then why are you using Gamerankings to prove your point with, because all signs on Gamerakings point to 360 having the best lineup.

I didn't say the DS had superior software. You laughed at the list I put up, basically dismissing a lot of quality games. I pointed out that it's a bit ridiculous to laugh at the software of an 80 million selling platform and chalking it up to bad games when platforms that sell that much always have good software. Give me another 80 million selling platform that didn't have killer support. I'll give you a hint on where to start, try under the Sony category.


Using metacritic, which imo is more reliable than Gamerankings,

DS- 3 games 90+

PS1- 30 games 90+

PS2- 62 games 90+

GameBoy Advance- 14 games 90+

Noticing a pattern?


Yeah I'm noticing the pattern that Metacritic has only been polling data for four years and everything before that is incomplete and sketchy at best. Or did you not notice that magazine reviews, which were more common than internet reviews back then don't happen to be represented with most games from the GBA and PSOne.


The fact remains that the DS was released well into metacritic's lifespan and Mario Kart DS's metascore was based on 64 reviews. The PS2 was launched around metacritic's release date, and still has all of these AAA titles.

Just look at AAA games in the 7th Gen:

X360: 16 (I know 360 has the best games, but it's been out for an extra year)

PS3: 7

Wii: 7

DS: 3

PSP: 1

Therefore, of the consoles that are being discussed (PS3, X360 and DS) the DS has the worst lineup of games currently available.

Also, have some creativity. Resistance 1.5 AND MotorStorm 1.5?

Halo clone springs to mind (don't worry, I don't think it is)



MS isn't doing anything Sony didn't do by coming out a year earlier than the competition. Sony did that with the PS2 and no one complained at all did they. I know I didn't when I bought my PS2.

I'm not complaining. I'm stating the reason why it has better games- because it has more games.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I'm not going to attempt to quantify which lineup is the strongest for this holiday but I'm just stepping in to remind people that strongest (and "strongest" hasn't been evaluated on enough to make this thread useful" should not be based on personal preference. If anything it should be looked at from a macro perspective and thus sales are probably the most important barometre. I don't know the wii or ps3's lineup too much but I know enough to see that they're all pretty much equally strong. Just sit back and enjoy the fact that everyones going to do well.

It's all opinion. Personally I prefer the look of

1. Gears 2 - Biggest game of the year. Best graphics to date.

2. Fable 2 - Lived up to the hype and best RPG of 2008.

3. Left 4 Dead - amazing developers and they have never dissapointed.

4. Banjo Kazooie - Previews of late have all been great.

5. The last Remnant - Should get JRPG of the year.