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Personally I think that the PS3 has the best line-up, why?

1. I don't have a DS, so I can right that off
2. I am not interested in Fallout 3, so that DLC does not wash with me, I am far more interested in the (reportedly) free DLC for Mirror's Edge
3. I don't care about L4D, I hate horror games, and I also have not got excited about Banjo at all
4. I had barely heard of the Naruto games before now
5. Valkaria Chronicles (or however you spell it) does not interest me either
6. Free PS3 online play. This means that I will be buying CoD WaW on PS3 (though I will have gold at the time) because just playing GeoW 2 online is not better than playing R2 online, as well as the old and lovely Warhawk, and more of my friends have PS3s
7. I love LBP, playing the beta just put a smile on my face

So this leaves me with these as the games I am getting in the next few months (I have already got IU, TFU for 360, and PES 09 PS3) {exclusives in CAPS}

FABLE II (should be dispatched now)

Prince of Persia (360)
Call of Duty World at War (PS3)
MIRROR's Edge (PS3 + exclusive DLC)

This proves that, for me, Sony has the stronger line-up