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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you expect the next Wii to get the 'main, big' 3rd party titles en masse?

i only think this could happen if they now start to seriously develope games for the wii, but as the wii as the main platform. if they do that and honestly use what power it has, like hvs does. then maybe otherwise i will say no.





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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
There is one problem.
If you release a wii version of a big name game, it clearly spells out the difference between the power of the systems and becomes a negative for prospective wii buyers.

We'll see how Monster Hunter 3 fares on Wii compared to its HD versions.

MH3 isn't even on the Hd.... oh lol

just look no further than cod world at war!

PS: i didn't realize the op said "the next wii"

so in that case, i still say there is that same problem, because nintendo will have a ~200$ system compared to 400 for the xbox3 and ps4


well its happening in japan, jusy not in the west yet

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Yes. I don't know if it is intentional, but the success of the Wii itself might help next gen.
1st: Initial prices for all three are going to be lower, therefore they will be closer in graphics capability.
2nd: In order to compete in the current climate, most third parties have already given up on exclusives.

Even if the Wii doesn't sell as many copies as the other two, if it is easy to make a decent multi-platform game, why wouldn't they?

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

rol you are kidding yourself if you think sony and ms are going to abandon their market, maybe they will be cheaper thean they were this gen, but not wii cheap. One of them might, but the other will hold out because one of them wants the hardcore market, it is still a very lucrative one.

Sony has already said they will be using state of the art technology. Their parts will be cheaper, and so will 720's so i think while they may drop their price, I think they WILL follow nintendo's lead of actually making profit on each console sold.




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The HD Wii, if given comparable specs to their competition, will be better embraced by other devs. THe reason why some devs don't make Wii games is because there is too much work involved in revamping models, textures, etc. If the next Nintendo home console is anywhere near as successful as the Wii, but makes porting from/to other systems easy, then yes, they will have a lot more dev support.

The bottom line is that studios are pushing the HD issue a lot, even though the majority of the television market are still using old CRT tvs. The industry is trying to force the gamers to upgrade their living room. With next gen pretty much guaranteed to be all HD, the devs can choose to develop a similar version of their game for each platform. THis will allow them to include Wii in their multi-plat ports, and even use it as a starting point to port to the other consoles.

I feel that next gen will be very similar in tech - motion controls, HD, Nvidia GPU chipsets. What will make the players choose will be brand recognition and exclusives - 2 things that Nintendo has going for itself this gen.

WiiHD will have most of the Japanese support, Western support really depends on the power of it.

But I expect that next gen all 3 consoles will be very close, so most Western games will be released like in the good old last gen: on all systems.

theprof00 said:

rol you are kidding yourself if you think sony and ms are going to abandon their market, maybe they will be cheaper thean they were this gen, but not wii cheap. One of them might, but the other will hold out because one of them wants the hardcore market, it is still a very lucrative one.

Sony has already said they will be using state of the art technology. Their parts will be cheaper, and so will 720's so i think while they may drop their price, I think they WILL follow nintendo's lead of actually making profit on each console sold.




You are kidding yourself if you think Sony are not going to learn from their mistakes this gen.  Either that or you think Sony are fools.  There is no way there are going to release an overpriced console.  Their aim is to make money.  They learnt how to do so with the PS1 and PS2 but their obsession with forcing a new video format on us so they could get licensing royalties and their obsession with taking over from PCs has meant this gen is going to be a financial disaster.  They are going to look at Nintendo and say damn how did we forget that it was the casuals (those people that buy a console for yearly FIFA, Pro Evo, for GTA, GT) that made us so successful last gen.  Plus all the cheap million and one games that bring in kids, etc.  They will realise (or rather remember) that the so called core gamers that would pay anything for a console are a very small segment of the market.  Their next console will be more powerful than PS3 but no way in hell will we see the massive jump in power that happened this gen and most certainly the console will be released at a sensible price.


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the biggest thing for nintendo next gen is that grahics have come to a point where they are beginning to look the same with very little change.
The wii right now looks pretty darn good graphics wise, and next gen it will look better, whereas the ps3 and 360 won't look that much better. The gap will shorten.

But it is stupid to think that sony and ms are going to make 200-300$ consoles next round. They don't have a) the lineup of ninty 2) the fan support of ninty 3) innovation that ninty has 4) ninty is going to be huge next gen if this all pans out well, because people will be so impressed they will forget about the competitors.

tuoyo i love when you just jump in to other peoples arguments like that, and insult people.

The fact is, this gen was for the blu ray. Sony has learned their lesson. but that lesson is not to lose money per console sold. thta is the lesson and the one they will avoid. however, it does not mean that they will have a 200-300$ priced console. I expect it to be maybe 300-400, because sony cannot fight the innovative battle with ninty.,

Sony's biggest draw this gen is that it is seen as the most powerful of the systems and have sold a lot of them for that very reason.
You need to have a relative strength, xbox has live, ninty has innovation, sony has the power.