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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you expect the next Wii to get the 'main, big' 3rd party titles en masse?

theprof00 said:
tuoyo i love when you just jump in to other peoples arguments like that, and insult people.


 Pray tell who did I insult?  If I insulted anyone it was Sony. 

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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And this is a forum thread so I don't see how people could have exclusive arguments. If they are exclusive they should be in PMs not in the forum threads.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


theprof00 said:
the biggest thing for nintendo next gen is that grahics have come to a point where they are beginning to look the same with very little change.
The wii right now looks pretty darn good graphics wise, and next gen it will look better, whereas the ps3 and 360 won't look that much better. The gap will shorten.

But it is stupid to think that sony and ms are going to make 200-300$ consoles next round. They don't have a) the lineup of ninty 2) the fan support of ninty 3) innovation that ninty has 4) ninty is going to be huge next gen if this all pans out well, because people will be so impressed they will forget about the competitors.


You're starting to understand what Nintendo has done. They can only go up from here.

Sony and Microsoft are trapped. They can't afford to make expensive machines again, and definitely can't sell them at a loss, but they need to keep the massive graphics gap with Nintendo to avoid losing any more costumers to Nintendo.

And Nintendo has loads of money atm.

If Nintendo pays them giant amounts of money it could happen...

Or if the Wii2 if as powerful hardware-wise as the PS4/720...

Otherwise, no.

It's all about the game.

japaneese suport will coem next year, western support maybe a couple of years afterwards

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Depends on how powerful the next Nintendo system is compared to the next consoles from MS and Sony.

all i can really say is hopefully. i'd rather hope for more great 3rd party games for the wii first.

The Nintendo Wii was seen as being irrelevant by many people inside the industry, and some people didn’t think it had a chance of selling as well as the Gamecube did. This resulted in most third party publishers dedicating most of their "Good" developers to HD-Console projects, and most "Main/Big" third party games were started well before people realized the Wii would be successful.

In the next generation, I don’t expect nearly as many people will discount Nintendo before they announce their system and I expect there will be a fewer technical differences between the consoles which will result in Nintendo’s next system getting far more support from "Good" developers.

Why wait for the next Ninty console?

I think it likely that if GTA V, MGS5, FFXIV are released this generation, they will be on the Wii

Chris Hu said:
Depends on how powerful the next Nintendo system is compared to the next consoles from MS and Sony.


This generation is showing that multiplatform potential on more powerful hardware is a more attractive option to developers that many would have expected.

Next generation Nintendo can be ahead or behind the power curve but as long as it's within multiplatform range it will have the potential to see many more franchises than it would otherwise.