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The HD Wii, if given comparable specs to their competition, will be better embraced by other devs. THe reason why some devs don't make Wii games is because there is too much work involved in revamping models, textures, etc. If the next Nintendo home console is anywhere near as successful as the Wii, but makes porting from/to other systems easy, then yes, they will have a lot more dev support.

The bottom line is that studios are pushing the HD issue a lot, even though the majority of the television market are still using old CRT tvs. The industry is trying to force the gamers to upgrade their living room. With next gen pretty much guaranteed to be all HD, the devs can choose to develop a similar version of their game for each platform. THis will allow them to include Wii in their multi-plat ports, and even use it as a starting point to port to the other consoles.

I feel that next gen will be very similar in tech - motion controls, HD, Nvidia GPU chipsets. What will make the players choose will be brand recognition and exclusives - 2 things that Nintendo has going for itself this gen.