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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

Garnett said:

We get that The Conduit looks good for a Wii game but cmon,better looking than a PS3/360 game?

The Wii dosent have shaders nor can it do anti aliasing,if you wanna compare it to a next gen game then you would want mercenaries 2 for 360 with huge ugly squares of graphics.

Why did you just say Wii can't do shaders but several posts later state the Wii can do early forms of shaders?


I'm just curious why the contradiction.  On a more specific note, the Wii can practically do any shader the PS3/X360 can...just not all at once nor at the same resolution, etc...

In the recent image posted by Jlauro, you can clearly see the shaders applied to the enemy.   As you may or may not know, the environment tectures are not final so they'll look quite off comapred to the image quality of the enemy.

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Garnett said:
catprog said:
BrayanA said:
@Onyxmeth, you are the man
Sorry Wii owners, but your console is not about graphics. It can't be even a competitor to original XBOX. Just give up and accept the truth.

1) The gamecube had what some consider the best looking game (RE4) of last generation I.E Gamecube is more powerful then the xbox

2)The wii is more powerful then the gamecube. I.E the Wii is more powerful then the XBox


The Gamecube nor the Wii is as powerful as the original XBOX,GPU or CPU,The Wii can do what XBOX 1 Can do graphically both have early form of Shaders.

No the Wii and the Gamecube don't have Programmable Shaders. THis doesn't mean that they can't produce shaders just not in the same way as the Xbox, or a PC would. The Wii and GC use their TeV(Texture Environment Unit) to produce many different shaders, and you could see this in plenty of games. THe Wii is capable of shaders just as good as the xbox and probably even better. THe main Advantage the Xbox had over the GC was about 3 times as much ram, but the Wii has more ram than the Xbox, with the bandwidth advantages of the GC. So technically the Wii is a good amount more powerful than the original Xbox, and Gamecube.


There are plenty of Low Budget 360/PS3 games that look worse than the Conduit.I don't know about High Budget ones though.

Viper1 said:
Garnett said:

We get that The Conduit looks good for a Wii game but cmon,better looking than a PS3/360 game?

The Wii dosent have shaders nor can it do anti aliasing,if you wanna compare it to a next gen game then you would want mercenaries 2 for 360 with huge ugly squares of graphics.

Why did you just say Wii can't do shaders but several posts later state the Wii can do early forms of shaders?


I'm just curious why the contradiction.  On a more specific note, the Wii can practically do any shader the PS3/X360 can...just not all at once nor at the same resolution, etc...

In the recent image posted by Jlauro, you can clearly see the shaders applied to the enemy.   As you may or may not know, the texture environments are not final so they'll look quite off comapred to the image quality of the enemy.

What is even more surprising is that he says that the Wii can't do Anti-Aliasing. It must have trouble emulating those N64 games that use Anti Aliasing right?


leo-j said:
So you dont want us to compare the consoles because the wii is obviously more superior in FPS games(IN YOUR OPINION) and because every other comparison would be bad for the wii.

Is that what your trying to say? No 360/ps3 FPS game looks worst than the conduit, not even the 1st gen 360 games.

Leo-j like the tittle says: "Wich PS360 game looks worse than the conduit"?

Do you get that? Good, it seems so, because you say any game look as bad in 360 or ps3 than the conduit. But are people here that don't agree with you. And see. Haze and conflit denied ops just joined the list (don't agree with haze).

But thanks for your opinion dude :B

My first post is getting famous!!!!


Again with the *wiis not as strong as the xbox*, *wii cant do shaders* argument. heres an article from the people who brought you one of the criticaly acclaimed star wars rogue squadron games.


For you lazy people just scroll down to the bolded text. Theres my 2 cents, but IMO its hard for me to say what XB/PS game looks worse than a wii game without being accused of being wrong or bashed now can we get back to the threads topic

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ask yourself this: what percentage of upcoming PS360 games have the potential to look better than upcoming Wii games?


the answer: 100%

I didn't catch it 'til now, but he missed an "h" in "which".

DMeisterJ said:
I didn't catch it 'til now, but he missed an "h" in "which".


Don't worry, DMeisterJ.  There have been more worse mistakes in this thread than that.

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People stop saying Wii is not as strong graphically as the other HD consoles. That's in the rules. Don't post against the rules. We all know that crap. Wii as PSone graphics!!!!! Its ok to you PS360 fanboys???
So lets continue to name some more games!!! The list is getting bigger :B

I just reminded Hellboy from X360:

What a hell of craptacular graphics for a 360. One more on our list :B

yep those xbox game screens certainly prove the xbox does indeed have a vertex shader
Fire Emblem looks better than spectral force 3 or Operation Darkness, and the conduit looks better than fire emblem, so the conduit looks better than atleast 2 xbox 360 games


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!