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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?

I own it!! Maybe lots dont have it because lots of MGS fans have brought 360s instead

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1 I haven't played 2 and 3,
2 i'm waiting too see if they release a 2nd version like 2 and 3

Quote: "Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

...Honestly I don't know...  perhaps it's too obvious to suggest that they simply don't like the game?

My sister is in her 30's and has had her PS3 since January this year ... I know she'd never play MGS .. it's just not her 'type' of game ...

Personally I would love to play it but I don't own a PS3 ... and since this is probably the only game on PS3 I'm interested in - I probably never will ... well maybe one day in the future when new PS3's cost like £50 or something, I will.


BTW. and honestly I'm not trying to bait anyone here (I myself don't own any current-gen consoles) ... but what does the PS3 have over XBox 360 (other than reliability - which admitedly is important) ... 

It seems like all the best games for PS3 are also on or coming to 360? ... am I wrong??

I know the reason my sister bought one was because she loves her PSPs .. infact between her, her husband and her kids they own 6 of 'em!!! ... all in one household (Sony must love them!)...


So the primary reason she got her PS3 (I'm told) was to act as a sort of a 'hub' for all the 'PSP's' ... Oh and I guess the inclusion of a Bluray drive never hurt either!

Well, I don't really agree with her, like I say I think the MGS's are great games - but maybe she's not alone amongst some of these un-accounted MGS-less PS3 owners??

Pika-Boo! said:

Quote: "Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

...Honestly I don't know...  perhaps it's too obvious to suggest that they simply don't like the game?

My sister is in her 30's and has had her PS3 since January this year ... I know she'd never play MGS .. it's just not her 'type' of game ...

Personally I would love to play it but I don't own a PS3 ... and since this is probably the only game on PS3 I'm interested in - I probably never will ... well maybe one day in the future when new PS3's cost like £50 or something, I will.


BTW. and honestly I'm not trying to bait anyone here (I myself don't own any current-gen consoles) ... but what does the PS3 have over XBox 360 (other than reliability - which admitedly is important) ... 

It seems like all the best games for PS3 are also on or coming to 360? ... am I wrong??

I know the reason my sister bought one was because she loves her PSPs .. infact between her, her husband and her kids they own 6 of 'em!!! ... all in one household (Sony must love them!)...


So the primary reason she got her PS3 (I'm told) was to act as a sort of a 'hub' for all the 'PSP's' ... Oh and I guess the inclusion of a Bluray drive never hurt either!

Well, I don't really agree with her, like I say I think the MGS's are great games - but maybe she's not alone amongst some of these un-accounted MGS-less PS3 owners??


Welcome to the forums!

better get your flame-suit handy...some PS360 fans might take offence

you do make some good points though!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Hi Spankey :)

Yeah, I don't wish to antagonize anyone, but I'm genuinely curious ... I mean, I guess brand-loyalty must account for much.

People who previously owned PlayStaions (and let's face it, that's a heck of a lot!) probably want to stay with what they know and have enjoyed previously.

Personally I think the two HD machines are so similar in practical terms that the end-user would barely notice any difference H/W wise.

I know both Sony and MS are battling it out for dominance in the home media-hub space and are positioning their games consoles to do just that - it's just a shame they can't all be friends, join together and deliver a single kick-ass HD gaming device.

^ Imagine the outcome for customers : ONE single format + no confusion + access to ALL HD games = surely more sales?

^ What about for developers : again, ONE single format (All development time spent purely on making the games better for us) + no wasted time and money converting for different formats etc = surely more profits?

Honestly when I see how split the console gaming scene is it reminds me that it still has a ways to go before being 'truly' accesible to all.

This whole console-format thing is reminisant of the whole VHS / Betamax (or I guess more recently HD-DVD / Bluray) wars

There could still be different manufacturers creating different consoles for an agreed unified game format - with the end result equalling ...MORE sales!!

IMHO anyhoo ;p

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Pika-Boo! said:

Quote: "Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

...Honestly I don't know...  perhaps it's too obvious to suggest that they simply don't like the game?

My sister is in her 30's and has had her PS3 since January this year ... I know she'd never play MGS .. it's just not her 'type' of game ...

Personally I would love to play it but I don't own a PS3 ... and since this is probably the only game on PS3 I'm interested in - I probably never will ... well maybe one day in the future when new PS3's cost like £50 or something, I will.


BTW. and honestly I'm not trying to bait anyone here (I myself don't own any current-gen consoles) ... but what does the PS3 have over XBox 360 (other than reliability - which admitedly is important) ... 

It seems like all the best games for PS3 are also on or coming to 360? ... am I wrong??

I know the reason my sister bought one was because she loves her PSPs .. infact between her, her husband and her kids they own 6 of 'em!!! ... all in one household (Sony must love them!)...


So the primary reason she got her PS3 (I'm told) was to act as a sort of a 'hub' for all the 'PSP's' ... Oh and I guess the inclusion of a Bluray drive never hurt either!

Well, I don't really agree with her, like I say I think the MGS's are great games - but maybe she's not alone amongst some of these un-accounted MGS-less PS3 owners??

I don't know how many times I've gone through this list, but:



Tools of Destruction



Ninja Gaiden Sigma (owns the hell out of NG2)

WipeOut HD

and in the future

Resistance 2

Killzone 2

Final Fantasy Versus 13

God of War 3

Team Ico Project

Gran Turismo 5

and several others.

THAT, my friend, is why people buy the PS3. Also it has a blu-ray drive, no RROD, and the power of teh c3ll.

Welcome to VGChartz btw.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Hi Kantor 

Hmm, okay you listed some nice games there, I guess (excuse my ignorance as I've been out of the games scene for a little while)


 Of the games you mention these grab my attention:



WipeOut HD (Maybe - still prefer F-Zero 'though),

Team Ico Project


... I had forgotten about LittleBigPlanet (as I said I've been on a games 'hiatus' recently).

That game DOES look very interesting to me.


As for the other points you mention: "a blu-ray drive, no RROD, and the power of teh c3ll"

I acknowledged the PS3's reliability and Bluray features already.

But 'power of teh Cell' ... honestly does it really matter??

... has it been shown in games released yet (maybe down the road it will), but as of now I don't see evidence ...

PS3 and 360 games seem to be 'virtually' indistiguishable to the end-user, GFX, Audio + Gameplay-wise.


Wouldn't you sacrifice 'some' of that potential processing power, if you could play some of 360's best games on your console (Halo etc..)

ie. on a single HD gaming format (regardless of manufacturer, Sony, MS, Nintendo, whatever)?


Well, either way, I think we're in agreement on the MGS series ... I do think it's crazy to own a PS3 and not at least try it out.

I may have to try a bit harder to convince my sister to take the plunge (regardless of  her 'personal' tastes)!

