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Hi Kantor 

Hmm, okay you listed some nice games there, I guess (excuse my ignorance as I've been out of the games scene for a little while)


 Of the games you mention these grab my attention:



WipeOut HD (Maybe - still prefer F-Zero 'though),

Team Ico Project


... I had forgotten about LittleBigPlanet (as I said I've been on a games 'hiatus' recently).

That game DOES look very interesting to me.


As for the other points you mention: "a blu-ray drive, no RROD, and the power of teh c3ll"

I acknowledged the PS3's reliability and Bluray features already.

But 'power of teh Cell' ... honestly does it really matter??

... has it been shown in games released yet (maybe down the road it will), but as of now I don't see evidence ...

PS3 and 360 games seem to be 'virtually' indistiguishable to the end-user, GFX, Audio + Gameplay-wise.


Wouldn't you sacrifice 'some' of that potential processing power, if you could play some of 360's best games on your console (Halo etc..)

ie. on a single HD gaming format (regardless of manufacturer, Sony, MS, Nintendo, whatever)?


Well, either way, I think we're in agreement on the MGS series ... I do think it's crazy to own a PS3 and not at least try it out.

I may have to try a bit harder to convince my sister to take the plunge (regardless of  her 'personal' tastes)!

