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Pika-Boo! said:

Quote: "Why do 12 million PS3 owners not have MGS4?"

...Honestly I don't know...  perhaps it's too obvious to suggest that they simply don't like the game?

My sister is in her 30's and has had her PS3 since January this year ... I know she'd never play MGS .. it's just not her 'type' of game ...

Personally I would love to play it but I don't own a PS3 ... and since this is probably the only game on PS3 I'm interested in - I probably never will ... well maybe one day in the future when new PS3's cost like £50 or something, I will.


BTW. and honestly I'm not trying to bait anyone here (I myself don't own any current-gen consoles) ... but what does the PS3 have over XBox 360 (other than reliability - which admitedly is important) ... 

It seems like all the best games for PS3 are also on or coming to 360? ... am I wrong??

I know the reason my sister bought one was because she loves her PSPs .. infact between her, her husband and her kids they own 6 of 'em!!! ... all in one household (Sony must love them!)...


So the primary reason she got her PS3 (I'm told) was to act as a sort of a 'hub' for all the 'PSP's' ... Oh and I guess the inclusion of a Bluray drive never hurt either!

Well, I don't really agree with her, like I say I think the MGS's are great games - but maybe she's not alone amongst some of these un-accounted MGS-less PS3 owners??


Welcome to the forums!

better get your flame-suit handy...some PS360 fans might take offence

you do make some good points though!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral