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Hi Spankey :)

Yeah, I don't wish to antagonize anyone, but I'm genuinely curious ... I mean, I guess brand-loyalty must account for much.

People who previously owned PlayStaions (and let's face it, that's a heck of a lot!) probably want to stay with what they know and have enjoyed previously.

Personally I think the two HD machines are so similar in practical terms that the end-user would barely notice any difference H/W wise.

I know both Sony and MS are battling it out for dominance in the home media-hub space and are positioning their games consoles to do just that - it's just a shame they can't all be friends, join together and deliver a single kick-ass HD gaming device.

^ Imagine the outcome for customers : ONE single format + no confusion + access to ALL HD games = surely more sales?

^ What about for developers : again, ONE single format (All development time spent purely on making the games better for us) + no wasted time and money converting for different formats etc = surely more profits?

Honestly when I see how split the console gaming scene is it reminds me that it still has a ways to go before being 'truly' accesible to all.

This whole console-format thing is reminisant of the whole VHS / Betamax (or I guess more recently HD-DVD / Bluray) wars

There could still be different manufacturers creating different consoles for an agreed unified game format - with the end result equalling ...MORE sales!!

IMHO anyhoo ;p