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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: And the sleeper of the year goes to.....

Dead Space.

New IP, fresh ideas and a great game. Dead Space will take the sleeper prize home this year, with that being said.... EA will probably milk this franchise into a soulless one after it's success.

What do you guys choose?

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I agree with Dead Space. I'm 2 levels in and loving it. It took the best parts of many different games and wrapped it all up in one package of goodness. Going to get fully into it in a little bit. Go buy it, or give it a rent if you don't have $$ to spare

By sleeper hit do you mean reviews or sales? And is it meant to be sleaper to the general public, or just reviewers not expecting that much from it........

Anyway, I think Mirror's Edge could be a big hit

Haven't played Dead Space, but I'd probably put my money on it anyway.

Haven't played it yet, but I will buy it next week.

No doubt about that. There was some hype for Mirror's Edge since last year, so it won't be a sleeper hit.

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I agree

coming from EA I thought it would be CRAP....but its turned out to be quite the opposite

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I think we should stop crapping on EA so much. This holiday season they are bringing some of the best games. They just released Spore, now Dead Space and soon, Mirror's Edge.

EA has had some real quality releases this year (and a few crappy ones but who does not) from internal studios, and as a part of their newer publishing agreements. Army of Two was a decent start to a franchise, Burnout Paradise, Bad Company, Rock Band 2, Sonic RPG and Dead Space. Still have Mirrors Edge and left 4 dead to go.


I agree....we are being too harsh on them

they are trying to improve.....but I can never forgive them for killing NFS!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ill have to try there going to be a demo?