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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN Reviews Wii Music... Ouch.

Yep this was announced, Matt didn0t sound conviced in all the process so it's a normal score (in fact I was expecting a lower score)

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lol check out what IGN put for the new GHWT feature

"Take an in-depth look at the real Wii Music."

Phendrana said:
YoppaDo said:
How come the first few reviews differ so much, it's got like two A grades and now a 5/10 :S


Because Matt was never going to give it a fair chance to begin with. When you're saying things like you can't wait for the game to arrive so you can trash it, you're not exactly a fair and balanced source.

Because if they score it high, it's suddenly a fair and balanced score.  Score it low and you're such a biased reviewer...

I love how it works. -_-


Aj_habfan said:
Naum said:
no surprise at all, the reviewer totaly lack any musical talent at all


Isn't the idea that you don't have to be musically talented?

It's not necessarily about if you have musical talent or not but how much you like music.  I mean with Guitar Hero and Rock Band it really doesn't matter if you like music or not because then trying its about pounding out notes.  Trying to get them all becomes addictive similar to most of the old school arcade games.  Really the music phases you in that game.  Actually playing those games I find myself very detached from the music becuase if I try to get into it I'll miss a note haha.  Doesn't mean they aren't fun but it doesn't attach you into the music that much as its about hitting the notes.  I bought the games though still because I love the music in it.  How ironic eh.

While Wii music on the other hand is about feeling rhythms and beats and whatnot.  Feeling the music as you hear it and then trying to figure out how to keep it sounding good.  And doing that the game helps you along in creating the same atmosphere with other instruments or in a song already.  I mean the game is all about feeling the music becuase if you are detached from the music then it's not fun at all.  I mean it's kinda like air guitaring or air drumming to your favorite songs haha and instead of nothing coming out you have music come out.  That's what Wii Music is about creating your own songs without knowing everything about music.  But you can see that if you are not big on music or really feeling music when you listen to it then you could obviously see why this wouldn't be your cup of tea.  Maybe Matt just isn't a big music fan or has no rhythm.  I don't know but this is just another way to do a music game and I think it might have found somehting that works.


Aj_habfan said:
Naum said:
no surprise at all, the reviewer totaly lack any musical talent at all


Isn't the idea that you don't have to be musically talented?


lol aj always powns

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And so it continues.... Wanna see metacritic now..

4 ≈ One

11ht11 said:

lol check out what IGN put for the new GHWT feature

Take an in-depth look at the real Wii Music.


Lol, yeah, they really hate Wii Music.... but, they talk good things about this Guitar Hero mode where you create your own music. Can the same be done on Wii Music? Can you create your own music, or only modify existing musics?

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This comment made me giggle like a shy little girl:

"What the hell are you on about Matt?? Midi music was absolutely essential for this game.

It would be physically impossible to fit in 300 orchestrated songs (50 songs X 60 instruments)with all the song improvisation etc into one game. The data for that would exceed 60 gigabytes".

Can anyone confirm this? I love when people demand something that is either impossible or would make their lives more miserable.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

ItsaMii said:

Can anyone confirm this? I love when people demand something that is either impossible or would make their lives more miserable.

That comment could easily go the other way.

How about construction workers start making houses with Playdoh since it's easier to use than bricks even if it won't work as well.  How will that end?

Soma said:
11ht11 said:

lol check out what IGN put for the new GHWT feature

Take an in-depth look at the real Wii Music.


Lol, yeah, they really hate Wii Music.... but, they talk good things about this Guitar Hero mode where you create your own music. Can the same be done on Wii Music? Can you create your own music, or only modify existing musics?


Of course.  Wii Music is based around creating your own music.  And you can also modify your own music but you can start from scratch as well.