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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN Reviews Wii Music... Ouch.

Soma said:
Zucas said:
Soma said:

Zucas said:
Soma said:
11ht11 said:

lol check out what IGN put for the new GHWT feature

Take an in-depth look at the real Wii Music.


Lol, yeah, they really hate Wii Music.... but, they talk good things about this Guitar Hero mode where you create your own music. Can the same be done on Wii Music? Can you create your own music, or only modify existing musics?


Of course. Wii Music is based around creating your own music. And you can also modify your own music but you can start from scratch as well.


Are you sure about that? I haven't seen videos or even something mentioned on reviews.




Am I sure? I just watched a youtube video earlier posted on gonintendo where this guy showed people doing it. Here's the link... first video:


Oh great thanks! I'll watch at home. I wonder why this wasn't mentioned on the reviews... or it was?



Well I think it was mentioned in the 1UP review but seems like it would be a highlight.  But yea song creation is a major part.  Took me awhile to find out because with so much going against this game its hard to get real data on whats in it haha.

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Zucas said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Zucas said:

FAIL- earned from lack of interpretation... seems to be a lot of that lately in this forum haha.

Fail... something you know well from debates with Kasz right? ^_^


Oh people on this forum don't know anything about politics let alone foreign policy.  I just see it as a parrot yapping about nothing while I swarm in and give people real insight.  Kasz was just another bird acting like they know something about it when really its my insight that is a lot more credible when it comes to world issues.  You see it as arrogance I see it as realism.  But I'm alright with agreeing to disagree on it.

Keep telling yourself that.

@Soma: Nah, I'm pretty sure there's no way to create your own... sheet music, if that's what you're hoping for. It's a shame, I guess. I suppose it'll take creativity doing your best working with the 50 songs they gave you.

OT: I expected this much from IGN. It doesn't matter whether it's a "fair" review or not, it's just one opinion. They give outrageously low scores sometimes (KH2 - 7.6), and others far too high (GTAIV - 10.0). Either way, their opinion isn't worth much to me, it's too far off from my own too often.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Zucas said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Zucas said:

FAIL- earned from lack of interpretation... seems to be a lot of that lately in this forum haha.

Fail... something you know well from debates with Kasz right? ^_^


Oh people on this forum don't know anything about politics let alone foreign policy. I just see it as a parrot yapping about nothing while I swarm in and give people real insight. Kasz was just another bird acting like they know something about it when really its my insight that is a lot more credible when it comes to world issues. You see it as arrogance I see it as realism. But I'm alright with agreeing to disagree on it.

Keep telling yourself that.

Haha considering I just did what was the point of repeating it for me. I think you mistake me for someone who would actually give in to juvenile opinions on such issues and your opinions of those after. I'm sorry that I mislead you on that.


c0rd said:

@Soma: Nah, I'm pretty sure there's no way to create your own... sheet music, if that's what you're hoping for. It's a shame, I guess. I suppose it'll take creativity doing your best working with the 50 songs they gave you.

OT: I expected this much from IGN. It doesn't matter whether it's a "fair" review or not, it's just one opinion. They give outrageously low scores sometimes (KH2 - 7.6), and others far too high (GTAIV - 10.0). Either way, their opinion isn't worth much to me, it's too far off from my own too often.


No, not exactly a sheet music like in Mario Paint, just create something different from the music already included in the game. I would like to make music without the need to have an established background music.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
ItsaMii said:

Can anyone confirm this? I love when people demand something that is either impossible or would make their lives more miserable.

That comment could easily go the other way.

How about construction workers start making houses with Playdoh since it's easier to use than bricks even if it won't work as well.  How will that end?


Come on WoW you know what I mean. Can you build those houses with bricks in a single day? Can you make a replica of a 100+ floors building without wasting millions of dollars using bricks? Play-Doh comparison is kinda retard, you could at least say a house made of mud and sticks. Midi is not so bad that it can be compares to a house made of Play-Doh.

My point is that there is always a trade off. You can`t have a music based game that:

1) Has 200 + tracks and 50+ different instruments
2) Highest sound quality possible
3) Diverse music selection (not just rock and pop crap) with all the licensed music one can wish
4) Responsive, durable and intuitive peripherals
5) All the content on a single disc without the need of a HDD
6) Score based gameplay that is easy for newcomers and at the same time has enough depth for experienced musicians
7) Everything for 70 bucks or less

Using Play-Doh to build a house you intend to live is dumb. Giving your kids bricks and cement as Christmas gift is also dumb. When Nintendo made a choice for midi they also made a choice for variety.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Soma said:

No, not exactly a sheet music like in Mario Paint, just create something different from the music already included in the game. I would like to make music without the need to have an established background music.

Yeah, I believe that's doable. I've read from places how you can play all 6 parts by overdubbing (playing one part, going back, changing another part, etc). For this reason, the developers themselves said they find the game more satisfying as a single player experience, as it's more in-depth than just jamming with people. It's mainly the reason I'm interested in the game.

Did Matt really complain that they used Midi for this game? Is he really that technically inept?

If you're making a computer program where there are audio tracks that can be manipulated on the fly, and each of the tracks has several different parts which can be played by one of dozens of insturments, the ONLY way you could accomplish this would be to use (some sort of) a Midi format.


honestly, good. maybe miyamoto will stop being stupid and start making good games and not games in the "Wii" series.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Phendrana said:

Great, I was waiting for a response like this. Thanks, WoW.

I wouldn't care if he gave it a bad review if he hadn't been putting the game down for months. He said he was going to give it a 3 well before he even had the chance to play it. He said he can't wait for it to arrive at the office so he can trash it. He posted a video purposely ruining songs to make the game look bad (or he's just really bad at it). He's been talking negatively about it every time it's brought up. Please tell me how I'm supposed to believe he went into this review with a neutral opinion?

I have to assume that at one point in his life that he had never played Wii Music.  At that point he was neutral to it.  His review is a collection of everything he's seen, heard, and played of it so far.

Besides you act like IGN is one person.  As though no review is ever peer reviewed or proofread before it's posted.  I'd like to think that it wouldn't make the website unless at least 3 eyes said it was A-Okay.

That's the thing, and it's the problem I have with his review. He didn't start neutral. He started out not liking it. He was exactly like all the people on the internet crying about how Nintendo's making shovelware before they'd even played it. Some people were able to put aside their initial impressions and look at the game objectively, while Matt seemed to be trying to justify it.

Compare the video he posted in the preview to the videos of Miyamoto or JC whats-his-fuck demoing the game. They're completely different results. It's like watching a little kid being forced to do something they don't want to. Instead of getting into it and trying to enjoy it, they just mope around.

In Wii Music, you get out of it what you put into it. He put in shit and that's what he got back.