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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kaz Hirai : it's important Sony does not allow Nintendo to 'run off alone`

I have a chuckle at all the anti-PS3 folks ranting on about what Sony "needs to do", to "win". Sony doesn't need to win anything. What they need to do is make money, and the PS3 is on target to recoup its development costs, albeit not in a phenominal Nintendo-esque manner. Also, they need to keep the PlayStation brand strong, and their 1st party games go a long way toward that goal. Anyone who thinks they can "beat" Nintendo at this point is a lunatic. I'm pretty sure that doesn't include the Sony higher-ups.

All this guy is saying is that Sony will remain committed to producing quality games for their consumers. Good for them. They'll cut the price when they can, because, yep... they like money. Anyone who thinks they don't know what they're doing needs to, say... get a business degree (or just a clue)?

I think that Sony may have made some poor choices in the PS3's design, making it a bit more powerful than its competition, at the expense of it being a bit too costly to really compete easily, but at this point all they can do is live with it, and do a good job with what they have. They're doing a decent job at just that. Love them or hate them, they treat their customers and employees well (certainly better than Nintendo seems to, by all accounts), and they do a decent job pleasing their stockholders, despite Nintendo's awesome recent goodness.

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@theprof00 Amen xD

nitekrawler1285 said:
Cutting price is only going to create more deficits. The goal of selling at a loss in the first place was to be able to sell software to people. With LBP they are starting to create software that people wont be able to ignore. You can look at my posting history to find out where I believe Sony will be going from here.

They don't need a price cut now because they aren't in this for the market share race anymore. They have enough of an install base that most 3rd party developers are releasing games on their system because it's more profitable to do so. Given the large investments in HD titles publishers and developers wanna make more money in return.

All Sony needs to do is bring the games to shut up the "it has no good games" argument that everyone likes to toss around even though it isn't true because it shares the vast majority of the 360's library as well as a few exclusives all it's own.

Sony has advertised very poorly this generation. Nintendo has done so very well. If Sony improves the advertising they will improve greatly. LBP is a great start. I wonder if EyePet will get this kind of marketing?


For the most part, I wholeheartedly agree with you.  But if Hiraz is going to say about Nintendo...

"...cannot allow Nintendo run off alone..."

...he should do something to concretely help hardware sales such as a pricedrop.  Like I said earlier there are some highly potential exclusive titles coming the PS3's way, but a $50 (for example) pricedrop is $50 the consumer knows he will save on the hardware.  My personal philosophy is that if you are going to complain, try to find a solution.  Maybe the up coming games are the solution.  I just think a pricedrop would be more appropriate given in association to his comments.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Kaz, make up your mind. Is the PS3 a multimedia device or a gaming machine. You flip flop more often than an American politician.

Truth is, he's scared for his job. Shareholders are going to throw him out if he can't get Sony to gain solid ground.

thekitchensink said:
Skeeuk said:
Kyros said:

edit: kyros

If the big boss says that they "cannot allow Nintendo run off alone" they should have some counter measures in sight. And the biggest one would be arguably to lower the not really mass market suitable price.

i thik he was mainly talking about games, price cut is in 2009 now, right now its not needed.

take LBP for example theres no nintendo title that is able to match its brilliance

i predict sony will start issuing a fresh new range of casual in house titles that appeal more to a younger demografic

its just the wii is in a "buzz light year" mode, its a desirable toy to buy for your children same with the ds, as long as nintendo sell a wii, with mario kart a few dogs games and carnival party to the same wii buyer, ninty are very happy, i seriously doubt ninty will change thier gaming approach to bring it more in line with what ps360 are offering.

2009 will be very interesting to see who brings out the best games, so far end of 2008 will have sony bringing the best games


You've been here long enough, and all those flames have been put out enough times, that I sincerely hope you're doing your best Rol impression.



Sadly, I don't think he is.

OT: At first, I thought this was a really stupid comment by Hirai because they 'ran off alone' last gen.  But after thinking about it, I don't believe he meant it as a slight to Nintendo.  I think he was saying that they need to build on their strengths and that will put them in a better position to be viable competition to Nintendo (yes, they're competing, get over it).

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theprof00 said:
as a child a 400$ console was just a dream, neo-geo and jaguar were just far too expensive to even think about.
150$ was pretty much the maximum i was allowed to ask for, for a console. My parents would always say "wouldn't you rather have more games?"
price really matters, I don't know why everyone thinks it is about the library, or the console.
Success of the wii had certainly a LOT to do with price. Price must come down, or more games must be given along with the system. 400$ system with 2 games, plus Home, and maybe a free 20$ online credit, and a Bluray (not spiderman 3) would be pretty good deal.


Although I agree with you that price is an important issue, there is a drastic difference to a consumer between a system that launches at a price and a system that hits that same price 3 to 4 years down the road. The early-adopter mindset ("I want to own something before anyone else does") really helps to push a lot of people to buy something at a higher price, and will push someone to buy a system for $300 when they would only buy it for $200 if it wasn't new.

Beyond that, people are generally (far) more likely to buy something that their friend (or friends) has than a product where they don't know anyone who owns it. If the PS3 was more popular and it dropped in price people would be far more likely to buy it as it becomes affordable to them ... In other words the higher price initially makes the system less desireable, and since the system is less desireable it sees lower sales at any price.

Kaz my firend, take an example from Nintendo, and that's not to talk much and bring on your games :)

With all that we're getting this holiday, however, we already have "the games".

Skeeuk said:
Kyros said:

edit: kyros

If the big boss says that they "cannot allow Nintendo run off alone" they should have some counter measures in sight. And the biggest one would be arguably to lower the not really mass market suitable price.

i thik he was mainly talking about games, price cut is in 2009 now, right now its not needed.

take LBP for example theres no nintendo title that is able to match its brilliance

i predict sony will start issuing a fresh new range of casual in house titles that appeal more to a younger demografic

its just the wii is in a "buzz light year" mode, its a desirable toy to buy for your children same with the ds, as long as nintendo sell a wii, with mario kart a few dogs games and carnival party to the same wii buyer, ninty are very happy, i seriously doubt ninty will change thier gaming approach to bring it more in line with what ps360 are offering.

2009 will be very interesting to see who brings out the best games, so far end of 2008 will have sony bringing the best games


The sad part is, from reading your posts, I figured you were my nephew's age, 15. I didnt realize you're a year older than me. That's just... wow.

Sony will keep on doing as they are, it was their vanity that got them into the mess they are in this generation, why they lost Japan to Nintendo. 2009 is proving up to be an excellent year for the Wii, with lots of more "core" games and M titles coming out for it.

It really is patehtic to see someone your age making such unintelligent generalizations. Knock it off.


Jordahn said:
nitekrawler1285 said:
Cutting price is only going to create more deficits. The goal of selling at a loss in the first place was to be able to sell software to people. With LBP they are starting to create software that people wont be able to ignore. You can look at my posting history to find out where I believe Sony will be going from here.

They don't need a price cut now because they aren't in this for the market share race anymore. They have enough of an install base that most 3rd party developers are releasing games on their system because it's more profitable to do so. Given the large investments in HD titles publishers and developers wanna make more money in return.

All Sony needs to do is bring the games to shut up the "it has no good games" argument that everyone likes to toss around even though it isn't true because it shares the vast majority of the 360's library as well as a few exclusives all it's own.

Sony has advertised very poorly this generation. Nintendo has done so very well. If Sony improves the advertising they will improve greatly. LBP is a great start. I wonder if EyePet will get this kind of marketing?


For the most part, I wholeheartedly agree with you.  But if Hiraz is going to say about Nintendo...

"...cannot allow Nintendo run off alone..."

...he should do something to concretely help hardware sales such as a pricedrop.  Like I said earlier there are some highly potential exclusive titles coming the PS3's way, but a $50 (for example) pricedrop is $50 the consumer knows he will save on the hardware.  My personal philosophy is that if you are going to complain, try to find a solution.  Maybe the up coming games are the solution.  I just think a pricedrop would be more appropriate given in association to his comments.

Why drop price when you are going to sell a butt load anyway?  They could use the extra bucks in their pocket this Christmas.  Next fiscal year when they have more profitable hardware(or at least less loss leading hardware) and sales tend to lag anyway would be a better time to stimulate interest.  It's the holiday season so the interest is already there. 

People say that $400 is alot to spend on a console but my mother bought me a playstation even though the N64 was cheaper because that's what I wanted. That $400 could have gone a lot farther then than it would today. I guess most people just aren't thinking about inflation.



So what do they plan on doing to stop Nintendo? I don't think there is anything they can do.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
