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I have a chuckle at all the anti-PS3 folks ranting on about what Sony "needs to do", to "win". Sony doesn't need to win anything. What they need to do is make money, and the PS3 is on target to recoup its development costs, albeit not in a phenominal Nintendo-esque manner. Also, they need to keep the PlayStation brand strong, and their 1st party games go a long way toward that goal. Anyone who thinks they can "beat" Nintendo at this point is a lunatic. I'm pretty sure that doesn't include the Sony higher-ups.

All this guy is saying is that Sony will remain committed to producing quality games for their consumers. Good for them. They'll cut the price when they can, because, yep... they like money. Anyone who thinks they don't know what they're doing needs to, say... get a business degree (or just a clue)?

I think that Sony may have made some poor choices in the PS3's design, making it a bit more powerful than its competition, at the expense of it being a bit too costly to really compete easily, but at this point all they can do is live with it, and do a good job with what they have. They're doing a decent job at just that. Love them or hate them, they treat their customers and employees well (certainly better than Nintendo seems to, by all accounts), and they do a decent job pleasing their stockholders, despite Nintendo's awesome recent goodness.