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nitekrawler1285 said:
Cutting price is only going to create more deficits. The goal of selling at a loss in the first place was to be able to sell software to people. With LBP they are starting to create software that people wont be able to ignore. You can look at my posting history to find out where I believe Sony will be going from here.

They don't need a price cut now because they aren't in this for the market share race anymore. They have enough of an install base that most 3rd party developers are releasing games on their system because it's more profitable to do so. Given the large investments in HD titles publishers and developers wanna make more money in return.

All Sony needs to do is bring the games to shut up the "it has no good games" argument that everyone likes to toss around even though it isn't true because it shares the vast majority of the 360's library as well as a few exclusives all it's own.

Sony has advertised very poorly this generation. Nintendo has done so very well. If Sony improves the advertising they will improve greatly. LBP is a great start. I wonder if EyePet will get this kind of marketing?


For the most part, I wholeheartedly agree with you.  But if Hiraz is going to say about Nintendo...

"...cannot allow Nintendo run off alone..."

...he should do something to concretely help hardware sales such as a pricedrop.  Like I said earlier there are some highly potential exclusive titles coming the PS3's way, but a $50 (for example) pricedrop is $50 the consumer knows he will save on the hardware.  My personal philosophy is that if you are going to complain, try to find a solution.  Maybe the up coming games are the solution.  I just think a pricedrop would be more appropriate given in association to his comments.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.