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Forums - Sony Discussion - FF: Dissidia EVERY character avatars (that includes Cloud & Terra!)

With Celes or Sabin is fine


There's a rumor about secret charaters,even if would be cool to have favorite ones like Auron(FFX),Vivi(FFIX).Edgar,Sabin or Cyan(FFVI).....I don't think SE want to give us that happyness(perhaps something about space on the UMD or don't want to mess with the "equilibrium" of FF characters from every game).

I will bet that Gogo and Mog could both appear as secret characters,perhaps another ones???

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Gnizmo said:
Soriku said:
lol. Why are you hiding that you changed it to Terra from a GH avatar?

 I am not hiding anything. I am defending myself against your slanderous lies! Why do you feel the need to spread such hate and mis-information amongst the populace?



Oh i dunno, wild guess here, but maybe because it IS the same picture sept yours has photoshoped grass hair lulz!

 You make an adulterous point. Perhaps when you stop sacrificing kittens to elder gods you can explain it in more detail.



OT7 said:
With Celes or Sabin is fine


There's a rumor about secret charaters,even if would be cool to have favorite ones like Auron(FFX),Vivi(FFIX).Edgar,Sabin or Cyan(FFVI).....I don't think SE want to give us that happyness(perhaps something about space on the UMD or don't want to mess with the "equilibrium" of FF characters from every game).

I will bet that Gogo and Mog could both appear as secret characters,perhaps another ones???


 that sounds sweet!

Soriku said:

I was talking about your Terra avatar that you just put up. I might put Zidane but he's been used a lot of times. Maybe. Gotta think.


TWEWY isn't :) Neither is 358/2 Days.


those are minor compared to dissidia, birth by sleep and agito :P

Soriku said:

TWEWY > All. Except MAYBE BBS.


i got twewy its good but hell dissidia agito and bbs kick it ass .

BTW: agito trailer was leaked go look it, its multiplayer nomura awesomeness!

i posted a thread on sony forum <3

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Then why is blond and not the original green hair?

Doesn't she have blonde hair in the originial Japanese version?

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outlawauron said:
Then why is blond and not the original green hair?

Doesn't she have blonde hair in the originial Japanese version?


 In the game? No

In the commercial? Yes

Can't wait for this game, one of my most anticipated on the PSP.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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swyggi said:
They should put a few more characters in there. Auron and Tifa at least....

They can still have DLC for the PSP can't they


Wow, with Terra there I can finally see a Terra Vs Kuja Fight. I don't care WHAT your opinions of kuja is, that guy is the most powerful villian out of those 10. I don't think anyone else has tore apart a planet out of a fit of rage. Kefka came close, and don't even say sephiroth is the most powerful, because he's one of the weakest in my opinion. Didn't even achieve godlike power. Sheesh.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?