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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Fit just outsold Mario Kart Wii

Thats right by less than 500 units Wii Fit is the new second best selling single game in one console (not handheld) this gen behind Wii Play

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And I still don't have Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii -_-'

Yeah, I noticed it too. Sucks :P Not that I hate Wii Fit or anything, but yeah.


I'm just happy controllers don't have cords anymore, or things would get REAL ugly...

noname2200 said:


I'm just happy controllers don't have cords anymore, or things would get REAL ugly...


what? no, we all know people buy into almost anything to lose weight. even if its a bad idea. im not that suprised

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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It's also outsold Halo3 and next week will be more successful than any Microsoft console game ever when it overtakes Halo2!

Still selling 1 million+ a month it is set to easily plough through a lot of very good games with very good sales.

Where will it stop on the all time sellers list?

I have a Wii Fit and never play it. You can blame people like me for it outselling Mario Kart Wii if you want.

I blame Wii Fit!

Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition

wii fit is not a real game so MKWII is still No.1 :P

seriously though good sales for wiifit, i am huge MKWII fan and i am not happy about this though.

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I can't wait for Wii Music to start ripping it up. I wonder how long that will take to swipe the no.2 spot from MKWii?

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