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Forums - PC Discussion - Starcraft II campaign split into 3 separate SKU's!

And up until now I thought of Blizzard as the be all end all when it comes to good Developers with no bullshit tactics. Unless each title is 15-20 dollars (45-60 in total) then fuck that and I'll just pirate the stuff. Huge disappointment in Blizzard....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
And up until now I thought of Blizzard as the be all end all when it comes to good Developers with no bullshit tactics. Unless each title is 15-20 dollars (45-60 in total) then fuck that and I'll just pirate the stuff. Huge disappointment in Blizzard....


As Limbo of the Lost is the only game I absolutely don't care if people pirate (since supporting it supports piracy) this is one of the few games I wouldn't flip out when people say they pirate it because it's too expensive.

I still have no intention of pirating, you just won't see me flipping out on people when this game becomes more pirated than Crysis and Spore combined.

i found it as a excuse to sell the game as a higher price.

pc games are generally 30 - 40$ if all sku cost full price .

about pokemon: people buy the 2 versions anyway, even if its 2 pokemons, i see people buying starcraft for the 3 skus

good luck pirating and then playing the online component which is the best part of the game. Blizzard knows whats up. They make online almost necessary to enjoy the full game.

one of the, if not the MOST anticipated PC game for about 10 years.......

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CDiablo said:
Bullshit, I'm buying one pirating the rest


Same for me =) just what i thought, unless they give you clearly something else than a disc that really makes it worth those bucks, but i think ill end up getting 1 and downloading the other 2

I think I'll just wait for all versions to come out. All in all though it's a disappointing decision by Blizzard. I would have preferred waiting longer for the game to be released but for it to be the complete game.
I have been a big fan of Blizzard due to the quality of their games but this decision is a money grab and I think it will backfire. Then again they probably don't care considering how much money they have right now.



This is pretty ridiculous, in all honesty, what is stopping people from buying one for singleplayer and online multiplayer and pirating the rest for single player?

Perhaps we're seeing the aftermath of the merger with Activision, they are becoming more EA like (despite being bigger). Quite sad really.

Then again, I have no interest in Starcraft II, so it doesn't really effect me, but if other developers/publishers start doing this, I think we'll have a big problem.

theprof00 said:
good luck pirating and then playing the online component which is the best part of the game. Blizzard knows whats up. They make online almost necessary to enjoy the full game.


While I do play their games for their MP, I know an overwhelming majority who just enjoy the SP and play the games for the story.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


The only way this can end with me retaining any respect for Blizzard is if buying ANY campaign guarantees you full multiplayer; that is, if you buy the first game, you get a patch for all the new multi content (and just miss out on the single player elements of the new packs).

If that's not the case, I get to wait till the 'toss pack is out, and buy that, and to hell with the single player for my favorite races.

C'mon, Bliz. This isn't the company I've supported in the past. I mean, granted, I've purchased SC + BW 3 times in total because of broken disks, etc., but you forcing me to buy it three times? That I will not tolerate.

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

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